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Zagraniczne staże uczniów ZS1 gwarancją lepszej pracy.
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Students of our Vocational High Schoool : tourism department and catering department will be involved in the Project – 3 groups of students, 16 students each group. Project meets requirements of the European job market, namely: personal developement of students by aquiring new skills and qualifications (enhancing job opportunities and involvement in the European job market), improvement of transparency and recognition of qualifications and improving vocational English language skills. Through aquiring new skills and self-esteem our school graduates start their own hotel and catering bussinesses and look for a job in EU more willingly. During 4-week placements students will learn skills and competences in the scope of: - analyzing regional qualities paying special attention to setting up own gastronomy or tourism business - implementation of practices being applied in a partner’s country into the local system - ideas for prolonging tourism season - serving and preparing oriental cuisine dishes - learning intercultural skills - improvement of English language skills in tourism and catering sectors Cultural preparation and everyday proffesional and personal contats will allow student to get to know culture and breaking stereotypes. Aquiring new proffesional and language skills will notably enhance participants chances on the European job market and to the most enterprising students will facilitate startiing their own business. The placement will be conducted in 5* Dedeman hotel in I/II 2015, VI/2015, X/2015. It is is the biggest hotel in the region and it accomodates mostly travel tourists that are staying for the short time to admire the beauty of Cappadocia – one of the most beautiful places in the world. Business guests often stay in this hotel as well. Students through working in attractive and luxurious hotel will have opportunity to observe innivations of implemented praxis to attract hotel guests to use the hotel offers.

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