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Zagraniczne praktyki zawodowe kluczem do kariery - "Der Schlüssel zur Karriere"
Start date: Dec 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The essence of the " Foreign Practices for students the key to career” - is the implementation of practices for 2 the 16 -person groups of students separated in the recruitment process in accordance with the designed regulations. The internship is planned in the period - 1st group from 4th May to 15th May 2015 (2 weeks) - 2nd group from 2nd May to 13th May 2016 (2 weeks) Practices will be held in Darmstadt, Germany . Before starting the practice , students admitted to the departure will be required to participate in the preparatory programme – language course , cultural and psychological preparation . During the stay the youth implements the programme of practices and also cultural –tourism programme. The German Partner receives Polish students in Darmstadt, helps with the accommodation , provision and indication of the practice location according to the individual needs of students. A mobile group of two Polish tutors supervises the work. The German partner has the skills of supervising the practice , as German students take apprenticeships in the same companies. The internship programme is the result of cooperation between the two sides. The assumptions for the programme have been agreed through personal contacts - a visit to Poland of the deputy director of the German school Mr. Ludger Kuebber during the implementation of the partner project " Beyond numbers and borders ," and through contacts via email and telephone. As a result there will be prepared and implemented the following matters: - Common apprenticeship programmes , - A training programme for other related professions such as: speditor technician, - Teaching methods and approaches , - Tools to assess the skills and qualifications, - Tools for the assessment of acquired skills . The aim of the project is to train the key competences for the trade technician and advertising technician - customer service skills , the use of a foreign language while performing professional tasks , the ability to cooperate with a team of employees , a sense of responsibility for the work and willingness to continuous improvement in the profession. Their implementation will enable to acquire by each participant relevant to the profession skills : planning, organizing and evaluating their own learning , the ability to communicate effectively in different situations and the ability to effectively interact in a group. The overall objective of the project is to improve the quality and increase the volume of mobility of people involved in initial vocational education and training . For the participants of the programme there is predicted: gaining practical experience and new skills (certificates ) , foreign language learning , particularly in the field of specialist vocabulary , increasing openness and mobility , getting to know the culture of another country , increase confidence, employability and awareness of the need for further education . All qualifications , skills and main and operational objectives of Erasmus + programme fit into the objectives of the strategy of the town of Starogard Gdanski and the region of Pomerania. In addition to the mentioned results of the project there will be developed such products as: Europass documents , evaluation surveys , regulations and programme of the practice , practice journals, documents of practice completion.

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