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Zagraniczna praktyka miejscem doskonalenia zawodowego i samorealizacji
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project concerns four weeks traineeship for 72 students aged between 17-18. The students attend to technical secondary schools of: tourism service, gastronomy, tourism, building, processes of digital graphics. The traineeship will take place in establishments in Spoleto – Italy and Plymouth –Great Britain, as well as 5-days exchange of 10 professional subject teachers and education manages in Plymouth. The foreign exchange results from obligatory professional practice, which students have to complete in their second or third year of education. The project is planned to be held in: November/December 2014 (Great Britain), February/March 2015 (Italy), November/December 2015 (Italy), March/April 2016. Teachers exchange – winter break 2015 (Great Britain). The main aim of the project is the promotion of the worker’s mobility on the European job market as well as getting accustomed to innovative educational solutions for rising the vocational qualifications. As a result the participants will widen their knowledge and improve professional skills gained in Poland and compare them with the British standards of professional education. As a result of the traineeship students will widen their knowledge and improve professional skills gained during their education and professional practice in Poland and they will compare them with expectations set by the European job market. The foreign exchange will be an opportunity to improve English language and get to know the basics of Italian language, especially professional terminology. Realization of the project will rise students and teachers’ interest in foreign language learning, innovative techniques and methods in the field of vocational training, which will be an advantage for students and will help them find a job. The foreign traineeship and exchange will also have the social advantage, because the participants will take part in building of the intercultural dialogue. The project will give the participants a chance to shape the attitude of openness, initiative, tolerance and also adaptation to the new conditions. The project will help to rise the participants’ mobility, self-confidence and will break their stereotype of thinking about the lack of job perspectives. Such an experience will ensure the participants that it is worth to invest in themselves as well as in learning and developing their professional skills. The participants of the project will become familiar with: 1. Organization of enterprise industry–its structure and organization, health and safety regulations as well as fire protection, work regulations, work-place, principles of working in a team, devices and equipment used in enterprise industry, products, marketing and promotion. 2. Organization of tourist events – preparing tourism offers and developing local travel services, analyzing and creating tourism offers in different seasons and distances, calculating and documenting costs for events (event file) (tourism) Gastronomic workplace-open and closed type, making dishes and beverages,the cooks’ work, planning and evaluation of nourishment, organizing and servicing, the rules of pre-treatment and heat-treatment of products. Organization of hotel works and services, IT service in hotel industry, gastronomic services in hotel facilities, customer service in hotels. Rules of Health and Safety, environmental and fire protection during the construction works, systems of medical help in case of situation dangerous for health and life at a workplace, documents concerning the concrete works. Making the static and dynamic websites, publicising, updating and archiving the Internet multimedia projects, support of the computer programmes for bitmap and vector graphics, the digital production system in printing processes support, digital printing machines, support of machines and devices for bookbinding finishing of digital prints. 3) customer service in tourist, gastronomic, hotel, construction and digital graphic processes enterprises – cultural rules, giving information, calculating the service costs, solving problems, anticipation and realization of customers’ needs and expectations, making a short and long-term hotel reservations, using the professional language of computer programmes and CT tools, work in a team as a leader and as an executor as well, creativity in executing of given tasks. According to the project, teachers will: 1) Get familiar with educational solutions in gastronomic, hotel, tourist, construction and digital graphic processes education, methods and forms of work with students, especially in the field of practical training. 2) Know British workplaces for students – the specificity, work organisation and range of activities. 3) Take part in practical training. 4) Know innovative projects concerning education of different industries. The aim of education in Technical School Nr 1 in Wyszków is preparing an active, mobile and effectively-operating worker, what means – a good specialist

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