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Zagraniczna mobilność uczniów i nauczycieli dla innowacyjnego modelu nauczania zawodu w szkołach sektora zielonego.
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will be realized by the Association of Agricultural and Forestry Education EUROPEA Poland. Green Academy Arhus, Beder, Denmark (cooperating with EUROPEA DENMARK) , and Vocational Upper-Secondary School in Rakovice, Slovakia will become the hosting institutions .The partnership group operates in the European Association of 1,000 schools and educational institutions in the green sector undertaking valuable initiatives for sustainable development of rural areas including education in the context of the CAP. The training in Beder, Denmark is intended for 40 teachers and methodological advisors whereas the apprenticeship in Vocational School in Rakovice is intended for 18 students. The teachers will participate in a 2-week-long training in teaching entrepreneurship and in building creative attitudes among students. The students will receive a 2-week-long training with the application of these methods.After return the groups will meet at a common seminar to confront and compare their experiences. Generated results will be experimentally implemented in the schools of the project participants. The project will be implemented in close cooperation with the advisory centre for teachers and methodological advisors.A new approach to teaching entrepreneurship is a key issue in vocational training, it must occur in all classes and on various subjects of professional and practical training. It also results from the need expressed in the new core curriculum of vocational training that is valid from 01/09/2012. It is a new challenge for teachers, who are not always prepared for it. The implementation of this project is, therefore, important for vocational education and all participants of the educational process. The project will enable the adaptation of the content of teaching in vocational subjects to the challenges faced by rural areas and agriculture in the practical competences related to sustainable development of rural areas and new functions which have to be held by rural areas and agricultural activities, such as the transition from production to services. The project responds to the need of strengthening entrepreneurial attitudes among students engaged in work in rural areas. The aim of the training for teachers is to become familiar with Danish solutions for introducing the issues of entrepreneurship in rural areas as well as innovation in business or services for agriculture. A set of didactic materials, ready to be used by teachers in schools of the green sector, will be the apparent and visible effect of the exchange of experiences. The materials in the electronic form will be available on the project website and on CDs. In addition, in the course of the training we will continue our cooperation with the aim of gathering experiences that will facilitate the implementation of ECVET system in European vocational education, in particular in schools of the green sector. The effects of the project will be also disseminated during international and national conferences, which are frequently held with the participation of the Ministry, Education Office and the Foundation for the Development of the Education System representatives . For 18 students it will be not only a vocational training but also a new training experience. The innovation in the rural areas means the development of micro, small and medium enterprises providing social services, and thus, the increase in employment, especially in less developed areas.The aim of the project is improving professional knowledge and skills as well as developing entrepreneurial competencies among school graduates taking up employment in rural areas. It is also a support in entering the labour market.The participants of the training and apprenticeship will be familiarized with practical examples of solutions in the field of entrepreneurship in the green sector. They will learn in practice about the conditions for running business in rural areas. This will be the inspiration to seek alternative income sources on the farm, employment or self-employment of agricultural schools' graduates. Today, the situation on the labour market depends on our level of education, professional knowledge and abilities we have ... and above all - entrepreneurship and innovation.

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