European Projects
ZADY 2015 Aprendices
ZADY 2015 Aprendices
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
The Municipal Institute for Employment and Business Promotion of Zaragoza (ZARAGOZA DINÁMICA ) currently manages three Workshop Schools and financially supports the network of 12 Centres for Employment and Social Integration that provides basic vocational training (former PCPIs programmes). And also manages 3 Taining Centers for unemployed people. The students of these programmes and their teachers are the target of this project. The flows will consist of 17 days (for apprentices placements), of 92 days (for unemployed students in courses with qualification certificate) and of 7 days for Job Shadowing placements (staff) and the flows will be carried out with the following schedule and specialties: :
- 10 students of Workshop Schools + 1 teacher to training centers in France in the fields of masonry , carpentry, painting, plumbing and electricity in March 2016,
- 6 students of Basic Vocational Training + 1 teacher to enterprises in HUNGARY in the fields of cooking, service and cuisine in October 2016,
- 14 students of Basic Vocational Training + 2 teachers to entreprises in Italy in the fields of beauty and environment in May 2017.
- 4 students of Basic Vocational Training + 1 teacher to a training center in Finland in the fields of catering, cooking and service in May 2017.
- 10 students of Training for Employment courses to enterprises in Italy, France and Finland from May to July 2016.
That makes 44 placements + 5 accompanying teachers regarding students.
In other hand, the staff will make Job Shadowing placements and it is foreseen 3 stages to Finland, Italy and France in April 2017 and February 2016.
The profile of the participants, in one hand, are students aged 16 to 25 years without professional qualifications, whose low levels of education keep them employed or start or continue a work schedule or re-entering at the education system , but especially to those who live under difficult conditions or in the process of social exclusion, and in the other hand unemployed students of our courses with qualification certificates (inside the Training for Employemt Plan).
Students will make their practice in training centers and/or enterprises of the geographic areas of the partner countries. They will also made working visits and they will participate in the daily life of the cities (Brescia in Italy, Gyongyos in Hungary and cities like Marseille, Bordeaux or Toulouse in France and Savonlinna in Finland).Taking into account that the partners are entities similar to us educational institutions , or nonprofit entities we programme with them the practices plan of work for specialties.
The results obtained with our profiles of students are very positive, considering that the program is providing opportunities for young people who otherwise could hardly be able to participate in a similar event . First for their personal or family situation , and also for their academic preparation. This project has a great impact and multiplier effect among students in our programs. Students who are selected are an example to the others and a source of motivation.