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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We plan to send five teachers abroad in order to acquire knowledge and competences which will be applicable in learning situations at our school. Two foreign language teachers will participate a course about British multiculture society to be able to implement it into more efficient language learning, which will lead to intercultural symbiosis necessary for cultural, economic, social and political stability of EU. Our mentor of school radio activities will be sent to Bridgwater College, a Media technician school in England to upgrade her knowledge on implementing and incorporating novelties into school work by emphasizing intercultural competences. Our PE teacher who is mentoring our school bulletin will take part in a seminar held in Reykjavik, Iceland. She will gain new skills in the field of team building and social integration. A teacher of German will join our students on official exchange program organised by HIB Liebenau Gymnasium in Graz, where she will acquire new tutorship techniqes, which will help our slow learners to achieve better school results. In accordance with European Union educational development strategy, we are trying to achieve four strategic goals at our school - EGSŠ Radovljica: 1: Implementation of life-long learning and mobility principle 2: Quality and efficiency improvement in education and qualifications training 3: Encouragement of justice, social cohesion and active citizenship 4. Stimulating of creativity and invention, including entrepreneurship thinking on all educational levels Foreign language teachers will revise their knowledge and upgrade it by acquiring up-to-date contents and methods which will be applicable in later learning situations. Besides the newly gained language knowledge, the teachers will be able to learn the more specific components of English culture in authentic situations (f.ex. the status of young people in other cultures, migrations and integration, stereotypes, ... ). We expect this knowledge to be of uttermost importance to teachers as they will incorporate inter-cultural contents into their work which will be even more efficient if they trust their knowledge of English is fluent and profecient. A wider and upgraded palette of acquired language competences will enable the teachers to be more self-confident and persuasive not only in front of the students, but also in front of their colleagues and parents. Being exposed to a direct contact with another culture presents an opportunity to reevaluate one's beliefs and values and it also enables a different perspective of one's own work and thinking. We will also aim at establishing new contacts, finding new international partners, with whom we will be able to swap ideas and cultural experience. We plan to integrate these new skills into modern teaching methods. As a result of this new and wider approach and with well-planned, student-oriented lessons, facilitated by ICT technology we expect our students to be more motivated and focused during the lessons. Students will be equipped with stronger language, social, negotiative competences. Better qualified and motivated teachers will educate more creative and innovative students. Specifics about the foreign culture(s) will be introduced to students during foreign language lessons through interesting topics. As we have had international exchange(s) for five years, we are planning to prepare joint lessons that will lead to fruitful discussions , presentations after which analyses will follow, where we will compare and contrast different professional areas and in doing so students will surely strengthen their language competences and optimise their successful inter-cultural cooperation. We would like students to gain in-depth knowledge of their own language contrasted with English, being the neutral language for both groups by using comparative methods (comparison of national heritage elements, e.g. in literature, in language structure, patterns, ...) and so arouse the sensitivity to similarities and differences between languages. Students will be able to learn about the newly acquired knowledge on school Facebook and on school web page. For our colleagues and parents we intend to organise examples of good practice, the general public will be shown some topic-related products in an exhibition, we wish to publish the news about the project in a school paper and broadcast it on local radio station Triglav Jesenice. Final conference dedicated to the project will be organised in May 2016, articles about the project will be published in local papers such as Deželne novice, Gorenjski glas and national paper on education Šolski razgledi.
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