Start date: Dec 31, 2016,
End date: Dec 30, 2017
Our project was created as an expression of the need to provide students with opportunities for profession practical learning, as well as learning foreign language, at the highest possible level, which gives personal satistaction and enables graduates to get a job appropriate to their expectations and needs.The main objective of the project is to facilitate the participants start in their adult career. This will be achieved through specific objectives: to enable participants to improve their professional skills, in line with the needs of the labor market, and language skills, and enable learning about European cultural diversity. These objectives are achieved through the internationalization of education in our school, are also in line with with the Erasmus Plus program objectives:- Contribute to raising the level of key competencies and skills to match labor market needs;- Contribute to improving foreign language skills and promote linguistic and cultural diversity in the EU;- Expanding the international dimension of training and education.The project objectives are also consistent with the strategic objectives of the new framework for European cooperation in education and training "Education and Training 2020":• Implementation of the lifelong learning and mobility concept of learning.• Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training.• Promoting equality, social cohesion and active citizenship.• Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.The project participants will be 60 students of Secondary Technical School and Secondary Schools Complex, learning professions: Hospitality technician, nutrition and food service technician, waiter, cook, confectioner.They will leave for Italy, where will undergo 2-weeklong internships in 3 groups of 20 participants and 2 carers.We are planning the following results:- Acquisition of new and expansionof previously of participants’ professional skills;- Improving language skills- Undergoing the participants to pedagogical-linguistic-cultural preparation;- Acquiring by the participants Europass Mobility documents;- Receiving by the participants certificates of language course completion;- Receiving by the participants internship certificates;- Expanding the ability to use information and communication technologies;- Increasing the participants’ chances on labor market- national and European level;- Improving the professional and personal aspirations;- Increasing motivation to continue learning;- Increasing discipline, sense of duty and self-reliance;- Gaining by the staff experience necessary to implement new projects;- Raising the prestige and attractiveness of the school.Internships will allow participants to expand their knowledge and experience in providing catering and tourism and hospitality services in the country in the Southern Europe- very attractive for tourists due to climate, cuisine, and its social-cultural specifity.Trainees will also improve foreign language skills, especially the professional vocabulary. The internship will be a great school autonomy, help to improve their self-esteem.The rest of our students will notice that the project results in the improvement of professional and language qualifications, and it is followed by increase of employability after graduation. Other schools, observing the results of the project (including improvement of school’s reputation and popularity), will quickly realize that implementation of such a project gives measurable results: verypositive both for the participants and the school. Local businesses, employing projects participants, will improve the quality of their services, which should seen in their financial results. Project’s influence should be similar in the regional scale, though smaller - adequately to the size of the project and its ability to influence more distant areas.