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Youthopolis- employability through participation
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims the efficient access of the labor market for high school or college young people by stimulating and developing communication competencies and development of self-marketing instruments. The need of the project starts from the need of the young people personal development, such as trust in themselves, communication, interpersonal relashionships, negociation,taking decisions or teamwork, abilities which will help them develop harmoniously and efficient integration in their community so that, after graduation, the transition from school to active life will be easier. The identification of the need was done by the participants by attending the non-formal training courses in their association where they are volunteers. The scope of the project will be achieved by the following objectives: O1. to actively involve 24 young people aged 16-20 in writing, implementing and disseminating this project for 8 months 02. to improve labor market competencies for 24 young people aged 16-24 for 8 months 03. to develop at personal level anf in a non-formal context an international group of 24 young people, for 8 months The participants of the coordinating country are young volunteers of the Romanian Association for Counselling and Support, Participants from the partner countries are students at high schools from 3 European Countries (Italy, Bulgaria and Poland). The profile of the participants is: -participants aged 16-20 -demonstrate a real interest toward Erasmus+ program in general and Youth exchanges programs in particular -show willing to actively get involved in this project (organizing, dissemination, promotion of the results) -show interest fot the topic -low opportunities participants are encouraged to participate The project starts from the ideea of involving the young participants in all the activities of the project not just as simple participants, but as organizers as well: plannification, implementation, evaluation, taking decisions, communication in different situation and ways. As implementing methodology the young participants choose non formal methods as a complemetary education of the formal one. The activities will be divided into tematic workshops (personal development, employability competencies improvement) The impact of the project activities will be visible at all the project levels and will be correlated with its objectives. The activities are result-oriented, detailed and participatory. The participants, supported by experts, have developed activities with impact on all the involved factors. The expected impact of the project will be visible at direct and indirect beneficiaries, at youth participating in the project, at partner and institutions and organizations dealing with young people in our communities. The impact at direct and indirect beneficiaries will be proportional with their involvement in the project, throughout its all phases. Locally, the impact will be visible by the fact that 24 young people (6 from each country), out of which 9 are coming from disadvantaged background or having disabilities, develop life abilities which eill develop them personally and profesionally and will help them integrating more efficiently in their community and access easily the labor market. The volunteering activities of the participants will represent good practice for the rest of the community who will understand the importance of volunteering and will get involved in the process of life long learning. The aim of the dissemination activities is to highlight the opportunities of the Erasmus+ program: a group of young people identify a mutual need and work together for solving it, learn new things abd develop new competencies. The resources used are different: -human (participants) -electronic devices, internet, Facebook -materials( PPT, photos, flyers, brochure) -media (press releases, interviews) -project identification logo

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