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Youth Work for Intercultural Competencies
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project "Youth Work for Intercultural Competencies" focuses above all in immigrants youth workers, coming from MIGRAFRICA and PRSD organizations that are working with immigrants on intercultural and social problems at local levels from Bonn and Almada and at same time giving crucial contributions to the immigrants organizations and youth associations by improving organizational skills, knowledge and attitudes in working with multicultural and intercultural groups interested on promotion of intercultural and social competencies among immigrants youth workers to provide intercultural and social answers to immigrants communities.This youth workers mobility project addresses quality and management issues intercultural competencies by giving opportunities of best practices to the youth workers that work with immigrants with few opportunities from the partners countries, to understand the complex nature of our society where they are inserted and seek to improve their social answers within the youth immigrants communities where they are included, promoting dialogue between cultures that make up their communities in the countries where they live in order to create better conditions for the integration of young immigrants people in situations of exclusion, understanding the complexity and richness of the relationships between different cultures, both individually and in community with the intention of encouraging young workers to not give up of their personal dreams, collaborating in the search for answers to the problems facing youth in social and economic spheres and learn how to seek better partnerships in order to increase the synergies of intercultural and social answers to improve the conditions of life of young immigrants people.This project will be divided into 3 fundamental axes, such the importance of intercultural competencies of youth immigrants workers to increase the social answers in their residence countries, the competencies of youth immigrants workers on multicultural, intercultural learning in the immigrants communities and social neighborhoods and the participation and knowledge on social development of immigrants community based in Germany and Portugal by providing social assistances. It will be developed in 2 stages where the first mobility in Bonn from 10th to 15th of July 2016 and the second mobility in Almada from 15th to 20th of August 2016.In this mobility project we aims to create synergies between the partners of best immigrants integration practices and ideas between youth workers and enhance the interest in intercultural learning and social development and to empower youth workers through non-formal education tools to become better agents of social answers. We defined as specific objectives, to develop essential intercultural and social competencies to work with immigrants groups and way to provide a better social answers and support to the community in disadvantage situation, to reduce the bad stigmatization related with immigrants and refugees that both countries have and will receive, to increase knowledge about the intercultural context of the social responsibility and immigrants integration in European youth cooperation context, adding the availability among youth workers to work within local communities, to make 16 youth workers well prepared and gain confidence about integration and provide bases to approach and initiate a dialogue about poverty and social exclusion problems among immigrants and refugees, by motivation and awareness about values underpinning non-formal education and social responsibility, to increase cultural sensitivity in a European Cooperation context and to support interculturality, fighting exclusion of minorities and xenophobia involving of local communities in the development and to increase the youth workers motivation to introduce into intercultural learning and social answers by creating conditions to support them to engage others, serving as ambassadors of understanding of social, cultural and economical difference.We expected to have impact on increasing human and development values to work for benefits of immigrants youth workers contributions and have more social responsibility and intercultural skills, doing social transformation and the strengthening of the autonomy and the contributions of partner organization, which in some ways is very needy and without access to social goods and creating social project as part of the process of social development, contributing to the reversal of the inequality, the achievement of equitable relationships.In a long term perspectives, will potentially benefits in increasing values of social responsibility and intercultural skills for community development among immigrants community, supporting network for immigrants youth workers in order to achieve reasonable minimum living conditions and their application in practical life and develop joint actions and chained to social development.
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1 Partners Participants