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Youth & Turtle - Synergy II
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth & Turtle – Synergy II is a continuation of a long partnership between Navigatorcentrum, Sweden and ARCHELON, Greece and have a duration of 24 months. The project contributes to positive benefits for 4 young unemployed youths from Sweden and at the same time helps saving turtles in Greece. A win – win situation for all parties. The volunteers will be involved in all the project activities, which include applying the daily treatment of the animals (medication, feeding, etc, supporting the National Stranding Network, providing information to the public and helping to keep scientific data on the relevant databases. This activities providing young people with the opportunity to work directly for the conservation of a protected marine species. To promoting the importance of protecting the marine and coastal environment, and acquiring knowledge that can make young people adopt a friendlier attitude towards the environment. Through learning by doing and the fact that volunteers can see the direct impact of their work, it helps them building a stronger self-confidence. To be a part of a community in an international environment is a way to involve young people to active citizenship and also it contributes to motivate young people to explore Europe and to find new opportunities. In the long run their volunteer service leads to more motivation to studying and they get closer to the labour market.

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