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Youth Start - Entrepreneurial Challenges
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Youth Start Entrepreneurial Challenge Project (UStart) aims to have a significant impact on practical experiential learning program at the compulsory school level through the collaboration of the high-level public authorities of Austria, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. The UStart Challenge Model works on; 1) Entrepreneurial Core Competency Challenges (i.e. Idea, Individual, Hero Courtship, Lemonade, Financial and Start Your Project) which are intended to work on the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship that will build the student's ability to turn ideas into action; 2) Entrepreneurial Culture Challenges (i.e. Storytelling, Empowerment, Value, Dating Up, Extreme, and Be a YES) to build entrepreneurial attitude including initiative, pro-activity, independence and innovation in personal and social life as well as the motivation and determination to meet objectives; and 3) Entrepreneurial Civic Education Challenges (i.e. Responsibility, Community and Debate) which include awareness of ethical values and promote good governance.The primary target group in this 3-year long project will be teenagers from 14-17 years old through two large-scale interventions. In addition, case studies will be done with children from 8-11 years old in at the first (just one teacher) and second (with more than one teacher) cycles using a modified Challenge Model. The program utilizes Kolb's "Experiential Learning Cycle," and is aligned with Europe's 2020 Strategy. It fosters self-directed learning with its transversal interdisciplinary method for conquering the "isolated application" and single activity approach in schools.A quasi-experimental design utilizing an ex-ante, ex-post approach as well as randomized experimental groups will be used to evaluate the effects on students as well as larger systemic results. Stakeholder engagement and transnational ί cooperation are central to the UStart project and will allow for the transferability and scalability within each participating country as well as in other Member States. Pedagogic material will be translated into 5 languages and teacher training will be conducted in alt partner countries. The UStart project addresses the country-specific policy needs of a geographic diverse group of Member States that are at varying levels of the policy implementation within the "progression model." UStart will develop a European-based approach in entrepreneurship education in a context that primarily uses Anglo- American based approaches and networks.National award programs will help to spread best practices and lessons learned from the UStart program as well as from other programs at the Member State level. A European-wide awards program will be developed to highlight peer learning and give accolades to results from the UStart and other policy interventions throughout Europe.
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