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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Project partnership started with the training course called BTM-France in Marseille,France in 16-20 November 2011 and we have worked in three projects so far. In 2012 under the coordination of our Bosnian partner, we organized a youth Exchange project with the theme of green environment and its name was “ Re-Cycle”. For the disemination of the Project and for its sustainability we organized a Project called “Re-Act”, which is about the active participation of youngsters, in Germany in 2013. The third phase of this Project was organized in Turkey with the name of “Re-Public”. We had the first episode with three-year project. Youth on the road will be the first step of the next three-year project in which there will be 33 participants -11 participants from each- from Green Civril Youth Group(Turkey), Stadt Bochum(Almanya) and DVOC(Bosnia Herzigovinia). It will be held in Civril. Bosnian Group consists of young people with fewer oppotunities living in a small town where people have to live with lots of problems especially after the war. Likewise Turkish group consists of young people with fewer oppotunity living in small town. German group consists of young people who have adaptation problems to school and to environment that they live in. Our project aims to provide opportunity to for youungster, real owner of the future, to shape the future, to have volunteer and social activities on the basis of "Sustainability and Diversity" with active participation and social inclusion. We aim to provide opportunuties to the younsters especially unemployed ones to learn about active citizenship conscious by including them to the social and voluntery activities. We will organize activites to raise the awareness of policy and European Citizenship. We aim to create concrete contact with the desision making system and local authority. We will serve to the learning outcomes of the youngsters to help them gain basic and special skills. Main Activities; - As the main theme of the project, we will rent a truck and decoreta it with the logos and flags of the National Agency, organizations and Erasmus+. We will use that truck as a mobil scene and platform. - Youngsters will prepare special shows (Musical, İllumination, Clown) and they will perform the shows in small villages and cities - Karayahşiler, Dinar, Çivril, Denizli, Muğla Fethiye- by travelling about 1500 km by project truck. We will chose the vilages that has no experience about artistic shows and European Project. - We will built playgrounds into the school garden for students in villages to where we travel for our shows. - Youngsters will have interview with the local people to create awareness about EU projects. - From beginning to the end youngsters will calculate the amount of CO2 and they will create the CO2 foot print. - Before the show and during the day t ime youngsters will have seminars with local people about sustainability and diversity. - Each group will be responsible about teaching some skills about artistic show to other groups and local people. This will help to employability. For the learning outcomes of the project we will organize activities for dissemination of project.
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