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Youth on the Empowerment
Start date: Nov 1, 2013,

Our main objective consists on developing an innovative methodology which will improve vocational training students capabilities and qualities: The expert selected by each paretner country from some previous researchs, some documents of European Commision and European Council, their own experience, and literature...will develop a methodology structured as “Units of Competence” follow the EFVET Guidelines fo have the possibility to recognize the learning outcomes.The Methodology will be adapted as a “digital tool” and hosted in the project website , and it will be transfered to the vocational students as a “training course”.Now a days a lot ot theory about different subjects is being taught at vocational centres, but there is a very important part that is left behind that is the necessity to teach or show the students how to deal with, and enhance aspects like leadership, self-abuse, non-violence behaviour, self-steem, integration and cooperation among others. The innovative methodological guide will be given to diferent Vocational Training teachers so they can introduce it in their work plan and test it to their vocational training students linking all these activities to fit the students’ psychological maturity which will help them to develop another set of skills and capabilities that provide a better social integration or employability according to the Strategy 20/20 and related to the rationale of the project.Finally, besides the new methodology guide, and the piloting experimentation for students, a compromise by all afiliations of the different partners will be taking into account in order to give our project the maximum results. We will invite them to actively participate in our WEB created to provide information about the project and news of its activities and results, linked to other websites in complementary fields, and promoting the site in the blogosphere as well as priming the web to make it more visible to search engines.
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6 Partners Participants