European Projects
"Youth Leisure 2016"
"Youth Leisure 2016"
Start date: Aug 1, 2016,
End date: Jul 31, 2017
"Youth Leisure 2016" is bringing 4 volunteers from Germany, Spain, France and Italy to Brønderslev Ungdomskole for a periode of 12 months. The project will primary take place at our 3 Frtids and Youthclubs sa well as TV Youth, but also in our Leisuretime- and elective courses.The children/youngsters is expected to have a daily first hand contact and interaction with persons from another euopean country.The project aims at young people preferably with differnt background, gender ande experience. We those younf peolple who are;motivated, outgoing, responsible, humor and has made clear what our EVS project includes and requires.The volunteers plans and carries our actvities including their home country ex. food, games, culture and traditions. thus creating relationsship between children/youth and volunteers. Based on this relationssship the opputunity for exchange of experiences and different views opens up. The volunteer follows along and experienced colleague, in order to become familiar with everyday work in the clubs/TVYouth. Based on the methode "best practise" "next practise" activities is selected - in consultation with the manager - here the voluntør can co-assist. If possible, the volunteer can plan and perform their own activites or projects.The municipality`s 7th. - 10th. grade and the two colleges offered visits of the volunteers in the subjects; ex.language, democracy, community knowledge .A large scale of the municipality`s children/youngsters will - in any context - be meeting out volunters. The goal is thus to sew the seed of an understanding of a Europe in which they are a part of - that young peolple in other countries more or less are similuar to danish youngsters. To se the world around them with new eyes, and know that the possibility exists for doing a volunteership abroad.In the long term, we hope that our project can contribute to greater intercultural understanding among the children/youngsters in the municipality. Over the last year, the municipality has received many immigrants with another ethnic background. They appears - -at times - significantly different to danish children/youngsters. Their experiences with peolple outside Denmark is build on this.