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“Youth leaders by integration through music”
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Youth leaders by integration Through Music" is an innovative initiative that aims to train young musicians becoming them into "Music Inclusion Specialists", to be mentors to facilitate learning and equal integration of young people with NNEE.This project builds on the experience gained in the previous Erasmus project + "A universal language: Integration Through the music", whose main objective was to enhance social awareness and the ability of organizations to promote the inclusion of young people with NNEE in the bands. This has been a success, with strong participation and impact and have achieved all the expected accomplishments in it.However as a result of this project was born a new common need, and that is to ensure proper adaptation of the musical artistic training to young people with NNEE, is not enough awareness and willingness of musical organizations for inclusion, it is necessary also they are having a permanent mentors to make them an accompaniment, adaptation and facilitating during the process of acquiring skills.For that, this new project aims to continue the work line of the previous one, but with a much greater depth, focusing on training young tutors, specially trained to become facilitators of learning and integrators of youth with NNEE, enhancing the peer learning to work with other young people by providing them with the best methodologies and tools to facilitate the integration of youth with disabilities in social and musical organizations, using music as a means and an end in itself. For this there will be collaboration with the "Association of Asperger Valencia" and the "Associação Portuguesa de Deficientes (APD)"This project starts from the premise of "Cooperation is the conviction that no one can reach the goal but we all" and therefore aims to design and conduct a 7 days training exchange through non-formal and informal education, in this we will work issues such as prejudice, myths and certainties music and disability, musical improvisation through playing, musical practice as a means of expression and integration, collective execution as a way to integration, etc. in order to train youth leaders and facilitators integrators, but also for standardizing training in this field to other musical and cultural institutions can replicate it and use it in their practice.This exchange will be held in Obidos, Portugal in July 2016 and will consist of seven days of training and 1 day of travel where practical learning experiences will be made, all enlivened by concerts, parades and festivals where young musicians demonstrate their musical skills, their ability to integrate and will enhance the visibility and impact of the project. To enhance the dissemination of project results a great final concert will also be held, in which the European anthem (Ode to Joy) will sound and youth NNEE participate in it At the end of this meeting young people receive a certification created specifically for this project: "Music inclusion specialist" and once the project ends they will be responsible for tutoring the non-formal learning for young people with NNEE.This meeting will involve three musical entities: Banda Musicale Città di Staffolo (Staffolo, Italy), the Centro Instructivo Musical de Benimaclet – CIM (Valencia, Spain) and the Sociedade Musical and Recreational Obidense -SMRO (Obidos, Portugal). Each of the organizations involved 17 young and 3 leaders, 60 participants in total.The idea of this project is to promote a major impact, which is why each organization will be formed 17 "Music inclusion specialist", so that in addition to being guardians of young people with NNEE in their own musical societies can also visit other musical organizations in their region and show the skills acquired in this project, launching plans for monitoring the learning of young NNEE of these organizations and training other young people at the same time to they become "Music inclusion specialist".In addition to this project to be long-term follow-up, after completion of the whole training process of young inclusion specialists through the music it will be systematized in a guide: “Music inclusion specialist Guide”, with the long-term objective that all musical societies have at least one young formed to facilitate learning and inclusion of young people with NNEE in each entity.
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