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Youth for Youth
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We want to implement this project because we believe that one of the reasons that young people in Latvia aged below 18 are at 34% risk of living in poverty and social isolation is the lack of comprehensive (physical, social and intellectual) education and development. The most influential factors that hinder comprehensive development are: • Unfavourable atmosphere in families • Chemical and psychological addictions • Disregard and non-usage of talents and skills. The main aim of the project is in the time period from 1st of September 2015 to 25th of August 2016 to organize a set of activities for 495 people (children and young adults aged 6 to 30 years, parents) and through these to stimulate socialization of young people, who would voluntarily use the opportunities to improve their competences, expand their knowledge and act as a main auditory for the activities organized within the framework of this project. In this project will be one EVS volunteer - Ukraine national Liliia Rybak, who has been selected according to the interview where she has shown the most interest in helping children and youth and consult parents on issues of child upbringing. Ms. Rybak is a Master of Psychology, has experience in working in schools as well as organizing informal education events. She wants to take part in the international project because it will be a new experience for her. Within the framework of the project “Youth for Youth” it is planned to implement the following: • Volunteer support and training events • Weekly classes for children and young people • “Useful spare time against the addictions” movement in schools • “Women’s club” weekly meetings • 12 theme events. In all the activities the informal education methods, such as workshops, master classes, games, discussions, learning from experience and exchange of experience, mentoring etc., will be used. In the result of the project the participant will improve following competences – communication in foreign languages, IT skills, learning skills, social and civil knowledge, self-motivation and entrepreneurship, culture awareness and expression. The project will promote and raise population’s involvement and partaking, civil responsibility awareness and work force quality. It will also lower unemployment and crime rates. The impact of the project will be reduction of loss due to irresponsibility at workplace at all levels and lack of specialists,decline of poverty level and government expenses towards unemployed citizens and criminal cases. The project will raise the sense of stability and safety, improve the standard of living, increase state budget income and increment thenumber of people who actualize positive changes and innovative projects. Generally the project will raise socialization level and lessen poverty and social isolation level among young people. The results of the project and gained experience will be passed to potential volunteers and NGO leaders, who are potential transmitting and receiving organizations, with the aim to popularize volunteer work and enterprise level in Europe long-term.
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