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Youth Environmental Training Initiative
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

YETI (Youth Environmental Training Initiative) aims to be the first partnership aimed at going all the way in collecting environmental / sustainable energy good practices, developing them into coursework material, make the latter available to teaching institutions and finally testing and delivering the outcome of the coursework developed. Whereas other energy / environmental related courses are fundamentally based on theory, YETI will be able to take REAL WORLD practices, develop teaching material, deliver the aforementioned coursework and re test it in the real world, making one full circle and greatly enhancing the skills and knowledge of the groups being targeted. There is presently a short coming in emphasis on sustainable use of energy, resources and the environment within most educational systems. Especially when it comes to real world applications. As a matter of fact where teaching coursework exists, it fails to successfully stimulate the individual to link the theoretical approach to real life scenarios. With the upcoming Europe 2020 targets, the partners believe that a shift is required from text to deeds. It is crucial to target the young adult market since otherwise many school leavers will never have the opportunity to orient themselves in a Europe (and ultimately a world) where the word sustainable is becoming increasingly common without however the skills and actions to back it up sufficiently. YETI requires a mix of technical experts in the field of environment and energy, with a mix from the academic and the manufacturing scenarios to incorporate the best of both worlds into the final project deliverable. Moreover for the project to be successful institutions that are proficient in pedagogical field need to be on board for further enhancement and delivery of the coursework being developed. Finally YETI takes a totally unique and different approach to any other project in the sense that it goes a step further by recruiting a municipality amongst its partners to ensure the practicality and real world applications of the material being developed. Moreover, the municipality also ensures maximal target reach of youths in their regional area. All partners have been carefully selected in order to fall into one or ideally more of the above categories. The partner selection gives a perfectly balanced mix to the equation in order to achieve an international panel of skilled experts across the required board. Such a strategic choice is also the key behind our confidence and commitment that the project has the right ingredients to be successful on all proposed grounds. The partnership aims to be clearly and logically structured with Partners divided into 3 specific sub groups being: Technical experts, Teaching institutions and Municipalities. Thus the role of the partner is carefully orchestrated from the very beginning and is not a matter of random allocation, but a matter of categorizing available strengths and resources and making use of the latter accordingly. Moreover the project is well structured in Phases (1-4) as follows: Phase 1 - Good Practice gathering exercise Phase 2 - Course work development phase Phase 3 - Practical testing phase Phase 4 - Dissemination phase The project aims to deliver various concrete results including ready to use course work targeted to the youth population in Europe. YETI works with youths in piloting the training course and will tailor make the content based on feedback received from all the youths involved in the project. A clear ideology, structured and modular project phases and a balanced partner mix are the winning ingredients that aim to make YETI a recipe for success.

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3 Partners Participants