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Youth entrepreneurship equals youth employment
Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The project tackles the issues of youth unemployment and poverty by stimulating young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship. It does so by gathering 36 youth workers active, or wishing to become active, in the field of supporting self-employment of youth, i.e. youth entrepreneurship, and allowing them to invest into their personal capacities for supporting youth self-employment, forming of cross-border cooperation partnerships and raising pro-activeness of their organizations in youth entrepreneurship field, to a new, higher level. The youth workers mentioned will have an opportunity to participate in a 7-day training to be held in Leskovac, Serbia. All of the measures will, at the end benefit young people without jobs and particularly those youngsters with fewer opportunities facing major economic obstacles, especially in the current time of global economic crisis and high levels of youth unemployment. The training will gather participants from 6 countries: Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. Our organization believes that one of positive solutions to youth unemployment problem is entrepreneurship empowerment of youngsters, because today’s youth needs a creative and independent thinking about business and their future employment prospects. In that sense, self-employment needs to be more seriously considered by youngsters, as well as by those providing, or wishing to provide, youth with services in the area, as viable income-generation option and as an alternative to job seeking. Since efforts in this area give concrete results in terms of jobs creation and since the main promote has highly extensive experience in the field, the plan is to use this project to help development of the quality and effectiveness of support systems for youth interested in entrepreneurship, especially those young people with fewer opportunities who are today facing even more serious economic obstacles than before.

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  •   15 722,00
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants