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Youth Empowerment in Social Field
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For our organization (Asociación Iniciativa Internacional Joven = Youth International Iniciative Asociation) has been seventh time we have hosted european volunteers, because they give a added value to our local and international activities. For this project we have hosted two volunteers with very different profiles. One of them is Stepanka Kobzova from Czech Republic, who has replaced Silvie, whom we expected to host, but just before her arrival, She disappeared. The second volunteer has been Magadalena Katic from Croatia. Both of them have stayed with us for nine months, starting Magdalena in september and Stepanka in october 2014. They have done several activities together, but also they have had different activities, for example Stepanka has supported the daily tasks of the asociation, such as the workshops we develope at our place and also providing european information to interested youngsters. Magdalena have also supported some of our workshops, but because She is a specialist in media, she has concentrated her activity in updating our website, editing some videos, designing posters and brochures, etc. Also they have developed activities from their own iniciative: Stepanka a basic English workshop and Magdalena a reciclying workshop. Our organization decided years ago to start hosting volunteers for several reasons, the main one is because we have a level of activity that needs the support of volunteers to be carried out with higher quality. About, especially European volunteers, We believe that they may give our young people a different view and alternative possibilities for young Europeans, as many of them have not been outside of Andalusia. As the experience has always been positive, we remain motivated with this program. The activities have been mainly developed at our office, in the Sociocultural Center of El Consul, but sometimes we have gone to universities, schools other organizations, or we have been outside promoting volunteerism and the Erasmus+ program, especially EVS. The Socio- Cultural " The Consul " Center is located in a neighborhood of Malaga city of the same name. In this neighborhood special circumstances exist, since 53 families, under special conditions, living in marginal areas from Malaga moved into this neighborhood. From this time, conflicts arise and rejections among neighboring area raised between the new families and the ones who lived here for longer. Our Association, built into this center that has as its ultimate goal to generate an intercultural and intergenerational space that promotes the integration of people with fewer opportunities or major affective, economic , social and other deficiencies. International Youth Initiative contributes to these goals by providing the experiences, good practices and exchange of ideas and projects developed at international and local areas. The direct beneficiaries of the project have been several. First of all, Stepanka and Magdalena theirselves, because they have acquired skills and experience that will have a great value for their personal and professional life. Also our organization, becase We have had the help of two volunteers for a long term. Also, users of our center have benefit from this host, as they have been in permanent touch with two international volunteers.
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