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Youth at Work - international goes local
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Youth at Work – international goes local” consists of four activities and aims the career advancement and imparting key skills within the framework of international youth meetings. Especially young people with fewer possibilities will be approached and invited. Regarding the principles that are framed within the strategy of Inclusion and Diversity, all project activities pursue the goal being accessible for the youth that is interested and raising awareness towards diversity. Due to the setting of partners, especially young people that are currently involved in career advancement measures as well as hearing impaired and hard-hearing young people will be approached. Within the project partners from Poland and Germany are involved. The selection of partners is a conscious decision in order to prevent the overextension of participants. Due to the Polish and German sign languages already four languages are involved in the project. As already mentioned, the project consists of four project activities. Activity A1 is a youth meeting that includes an exchange of young florists. 34 young people, among them 22 participants with various disabilities as well as hearing impaired young people will participate. During the meeting (26.11.-02.12.2017) participants deal under the guidance of experts, with festive decorations and will learn with and from each other. Due to the exchange of trainees from two different countries, professional qualifications will be expanded as well as social skills will be acquired. The workshop’s outcome will stay within the rooms of the Krzyzowa Foundation. They will accessorize the rooms during Christmas holidays and will be preserved for future guests and the local community. The activity A2 is a contact making seminar. 9 representatives of important partner organisations working in the field of professional education from Poland and Germany will participate. The seminar’s goal is the initiation of future international projects within the field of professional education as well as developing strategies how to take care of the participants after the project will be finished. During the seminar, partners will get to know the tools Youthpass and Europass that are provided by the European Commission and will learn how to use them for the benefit of young people. The seminar is going to take place in February 2017 in the International Youth Meeting Center in Krzyzowa.The activities A3 and A4 are modules of the inclusive professional education that are based on each other. The same young people will participate in both activities and work together over a long period of time. The activities’ goal is the career advancement as well as imparting key skills of young people. Participants, among them hearing impaired and young people being in career advancement measures, are trainees of woodwork. Young participants from Germany and Poland will restore the run-down but heritage-protected old train station in Krzyzowa. Under experts’ guidance they will restore the building, expand their knowledge in regard of heritage-protected buildings and exchange their knowledge and experiences. The restored train station is a sustainable outcome of the project. It is situated in the heart of Krzyzowa and is used by the local inhabitants as well as guests of the Krzyzowa Foundation. In that way the group of young people will leave an important trace within the local community.
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5 Partners Participants