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Youth against bullying!
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Chirojeugd Flanders is the biggest youth movement in Belgium. With around 100.000 members in 1000 local groups, Chiro considers itself as a significant youth organization. Sadly enough, when working with youth, the danger of bullying is always present. Therefore, Chiro has taken the initiative to work with its international partners, on finding a way to deal with this dangerous phenomenon. Together with all Fimcap members (Fimcap is the international federation of catholic parochial youth movements), we decided on organizing a project to come to a Europe wide communal approach to dealing with bullying. All Fimcap Europe partners and some other youth movements are invited to send 4-6 participants between the age of 16 and 20 years old. This group of youth leaders is the closest to the actual youth work and is therefore a valuable partner in achieving our goal. With this group of around 50 people, we would like to work in debate about the problem of bullying. By working with interactive workshops, we encourage them to participate and share their experience. This way we will create an extensive set of data concerning bullying. The next step is to work with this information to come to a step by step roadmap, a guide on how to deal with bullying. This guideline will incorporate all aspects of bullying, like recognition, prevention, healing of the victim and dealing with the bully. Together with our expertise team (Jong & Van Zin) we are sure we can achieve this goal. After the project, all participants will return to their own youth organization, and incorporate the gathered knowledge and tools in their own national and local youth movement. This way, we would like to give a strong signal against bullying and provide an alternative way of dealing with bullying for the whole of Europe. An added plus to this project, is the creation of a common language when talking about bullying, thus making it easier to communicate in the future about this topic. By this, we hope to create a safer environment for children and all youth, and a safe bully free work environment for youth workers.
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7 Partners Participants