Start date: Feb 1, 2015,
End date: Jun 30, 2015
YOUR IS MY FUTURE project is a European exchange of multilateral character that we will participate 52 young people, aged between 18 and 25 years, from 8 countries: Portugal, Czech Republic, Italy, ithuania, Latvia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Spain, during days 6 to 15 of March 2015 in Madrid - El Escorial-Guadarrama. This project is included within the KA1 - people's mobility action due to the new ERASMUS programme learning.
The main theme that we will address is the youth employment and employability. In addition, we will work in parallel and as support, the importance of the development of sports activities in nature, like teaching effort, cooperation and teamwork.
The main aim of the Exchange is that participants acquire the skills needed to improve our personal development and employability in the European labour market; relying on the culture of effort and teamwork that the sports activities in the natural environment.
The purpose of the project, is in addition to together, and based on the current situation of youth unemployment, descubramostrabajemos on experiencias-oportunidades - ideas-proposals with which the young participants and the present entities, increase our competency, promoting instrumentosrecursos in favour of the construction of a route (employment, training, volunteering) in each local situation, generating propues
The Exchange will have as resources the following activities: exhibition sessions, Experiencias Presentación, visit to employment projects, games Simulaciontalleres, round tables, Dinamicasjuegos, sample, display specific activities, cultural visits, cultural of each country, hiking route and sports nights, entertainment activities and other proposals for future work in network on the subject of the fight against youth unemployment and sports in contact with nature.
The Exchange will take place 06-15 March 2015, in Madrid-El Escorial-Guadarrama., also resulting scenarios in the cities of Madrid and Segovia, in which we will carry out dissemination actions of the subject of the Exchange by signing the manifesto for support and other activities of calls of attention-difusicon-visualization of the subject, project and program.
Non-Formal education, will be made manifest in educational and personal development purposes, linking them to the
subject of the fight against youth unemployment and for employability. The impact of the project, we think that you will get through the creation of a set of pautas-propuestas - experiences, collected in the Blog (the 8 languages of Exchange) and three spots, products that will promote the active struggle for awareness-do-fight against unemployment, especially the youth, to serve as display and proposal of work to promote the inclusion of young people in the labour market and employability.
These finished products, spots-blog aim to contribute to the search for solutions and experiences, on the conception of the project, both in the medium and long term and will be distributed at each source by the participants, as a resource for the dissemination of results in particular Exchange YOUR IS MY FUTUREy of the Erasmus program in general.