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Youngs: breaking down barriers
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youngs: breaking down barriers, is a project that as its name says, is the result of a group of young people in order to break barriers and get a social integration: fears barriers, social problems, band languages. barriers.. The idea began by working with a group of young people aged between 14 and 17 years in Elche, young people who are in the countryside area named la Hoya. This group is user of the Youth Center of la Hoya, which depend on Tthe Youht Department of the Town Hall of Elche. The work process we have done with the youngster have the same objetives that the exchange proyects of Eramus Plus. The group from Elche comprises with those who have achieved the objectives of social skills, to carry out the Exchange, and they are 12 14-17 years old, 5 girls and 7 boys. From the town of Amiens, Northern France, once they have been knowing the project and profiles of the spanish young group, they have formed a group of 12 young people aged between 14 and 17, 6 boys and 6 girls. who have to face the same barriers to achieve social integration. The Spanish group will host the french group, 10 days, from 19 to 28 July from 2016, in the town of Elche. They will teach and explain them their culture, at the same time they are going to collect information and get another vision of a culture of Northern Europe: dances, foods, language, traditions, schedules, clothing,... So participants can see the differences between a coastal, southern culture and a mountainous and northern culture, being able to see that there may be unknown similarities within the geographical differences. With this project, participants are going to break the barriers of fear of failure to overcome all the obstacles which they may have in their lives to achieve their goals. In addition young people can use everything they will have learned, and put it into practice with their friends, family, coworkers, works, studies, finally, in their daily lives. And be reinforced in moments of weakness that they can have along their personal projects. To achieve all of these, we are going to work social skills activily with the support of a psychologist during the entire project, highlighting the use of emotional intelligence, in order to provide the tools to the young group helping them to get personal development and to achieve the objectives setting within the linguistic, interpersonal, cultural and social competences.
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