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Young Training Madeira - Marco Zolly
Start date: Jan 5, 2015, End date: Jan 4, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Young Training Madeira - Marco Zolly The Student Union of University of Madeira develops annually several projects. The EVS volunteers role were supporting this project for AAUMa considering the differente target groups: kids, youngsters, adults and elderly. The projects in which Theresa Letz participated and supported were: - Jesuits College of Funchal - participate in daily activities undertaken by collaborators of AAUMa at the Jesuit College. These activities involve support in daily guided tours to areas of the College, supporting the conservation of the building, supporting interaction with foreign visitors, support and organization of musical events. For more information, please check: - Doutorecos - support the activities undertaken by AAUMa’s staff. During one month AAUMa develops an atelier during vacation for children between 6 and 12 years old. For more information, please check: - UMajuda - support disadvantaged children and young people. This project aims to assist schools disadvantaged of basic education in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. For more information, please check: The project was coordinated by Grenzenlos within the frame of the MELANGE Programme. the EVS programme in Vienna strongly supported by the city of Vienna/wienXtra where Grenzenlos set up networks for volunteers and international partners and host partners and volunteers receive special support before during and after their EVS.
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