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Young European Enterprise
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth unemployment is one of the biggest challenges facing Europe nowadays. In most European countries the youth unemployment rate has significantly increased due to the effects of the recent economic crisis. Especially the transition from school to work is an important step for young people in the transition into adulthood. With regard to the major importance of this issue, we want to work together with young people in order to give them more and better labour market prospects. We consider the promotion of entrepreneurship as an effective way of tackling youth unemployment in Europe. However entrepreneurship training and education in VET is oftentimes very limited. All our European partners are actively involved in VET and through discussions we have noticed a lack of an elaborated curriculum including practical elements and learning methods concerning entrepreneurship among young people. The creation of this strategic partnership aims therefore to promote entrepreneurship education in VET and its national curricula, to exchange best practices and innovative ideas among trainers to improve entrepreneurship training, to establish stronger cooperation between the economic system and the VET education system on a national and European level with the overall goal to motivate young people to become the entrepreneurs of the future. We want to encourage young people to explore their entrepreneurial potential, teach them to be innovators, give them the tools necessary to be an entrepreneur and assist young people to establish their own business. Within this project we want to work closely with local businesses, the Chamber of Commerce and other related local authorities in order to enable youngsters to get a realistic insight into working life, to do networking in Europe and to help them understand how to create an enterprise. The main goal of the strategic partnership will be to diminish the gap between national education and labour market opportunities in Europe for youngsters. The strategic partnership is composed of five European partners (France, Italy, Slovakia, and Spain) who are all actively involved in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET). We will organize transnational meetings for the European teachers to enhance training materials, to develop new approaches and to exchange best practices in order to improve entrepreneurship education. Our 12 European experts will work with more than 80 young students to improve their entrepreneurial skills and to encourage self-employment by organizing workshops, European study visits and team projects. One of the main working activities will be the management of a virtual enterprise and the participation in a European mini-enterprise during our Training activity in France. The students will do research work in order to find out how to set up a business. The students will have the chance to meet each other, to present their businesses and to exchange with the other young Europeans during a youth exchange. The final product of the project will be a training kit with innovative working materials, new teaching approaches and learning tools for VET teacher developped by our teachers which will be published online in order to stronger include entrepreneurial education in the curricula even after the end of the project. In order to fulfil the requirements of a highly international economic system, it is becoming more and more important to promote a European and international dimension in the VET curricula. The partnership YEE wants to enable vocational schools to work closer with European partners, to enable young people to exchange and learn beyond national borders by working together on a transnational project in order to become strong future leaders who are used to work in an international environment such as the economic system of nowadays.
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4 Partners Participants