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Young Entrepreneurial Skills by ICT
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In recent years many industrialized countries have suffered from economic downturn and high unemployment rates. Entrepreneurs play a potential role in stimulating and supporting economic prosperity, due to their ability to adapt to changing environments and because their structure allows them to conform to technological changes. On account of this, in this constantly changing and ever more interconnected world, we need more than ever the next generation of workers not just to take on jobs, but also to create them. In any case, developing entrepreneurial attitude (e.g. feeling comfortable with the culture of taking big risks) does not happen from one day to the next; children need the freedom to test their limits and to overcome their fears. Child educators as well, need to be conscious of the importance of developing entrepreneurial attitudes in order to transmit in a better way these skills. Hence, the main objectives pursued in this project are: - To foster entrepreneurship in secondary education by developing the entrepreneurial skills among children through an innovative pedagogical methodology. - To develop these transversal skills by using new ICT tools. Thus, this will address the development of new methodologies of learning and the integration of digital technologies in both learning and teaching. - To develop the necessary tools based on a human centred design approach, taking into account their needs, wants, limitations and environment. - Among the different activities, some of the dissemination actions will have to promote the importance of learning but also of teaching such skills to different targets. The project consortium is made up of seven organisations: - aNTIC (FR), agency for the new technologies of information and communication. Competences: project management and coordination, diffusion strategies, evaluation and monitoring systems activities implementation, among others. - MGEP (SP), DBZ team (Innovation and Design Centre). Competences: human centred design, product design, service design, experience design, among others. - Vaeksthus Sjalland (DK), business development centre. Competences: education sector, development of new educational methods through technology, digital prototyping technology, among others. - Ikastolen Elkartea (SP), cooperative that brings together social initiative schools in the Basque Country. Competences: pedagogical material development, training, among others. - FH Joanneum University (AU), University of applied sciences. Competences: software development, digital media and IT infrastructures, simulations, mobile applications, among others. - University of Nicosia (CY), department of Management and MIS / Research and Innovation Office. Competences: e-learning, instructional design, educational technology, entrepreneurship in youth, among others. - Synthesis (CY), center for research and education limited. Competences: developing and promoting social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial skills diagnostic, entrepreneurship training programs for youth, among others. Regarding the individuals that will benefit indirectly from the project, 160 children and 16 teachers will be involved in the evaluation of the methodology and the tools and around 576 participants and agents of school education are expected to benefit from the project through the various dissemination events. The methodology which will be followed during the project is divided into six different Work Packages, which will represent different phases, objectives and results: - WP01. Coordination and project management activities. - WP02. Definition and development of the necessary skills and competences needed to promote entrepreneurship in children. - WP03. Definition of the pedagogical framework and design of the pedagogical methodology and the skills evaluation model. - WP04. Design and development of a holistic supporting tools-system for the pedagogical methodology. - WP05. Test and corroborate the work done so far, in order to improve the pedagogical methodology. - WP06. Promotion of project results by carrying out different dissemination activities. Through this project, a pedagogical methodology to promote entrepreneurship in secondary school environments as well as technological tools that will support the methodology are expect to be created in order to bring about awareness of entrepreneurship and the promotion of entrepreneurial skills from childhood. Project participants will benefit in several ways, such as by gaining knowledge about entrepreneurship, development of technical and innovative digital skills, identification of new opportunities in school environments, contribution to the development of local entrepreneurship and innovative territorial development, etc. Also it is expected that the methodology will have a long term positive impact with children careers and work lives, and their personal development as they will feel more confident about their own capabilities.
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