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Young Community Mediators
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Europe 2020 goals for a more inclusive Europe with higher social integration and cohesion are more important then ever in light of increasing societal tension linked to the economic crisis, increasing multi-ethnicity and immigration, cuts in public services etc. Young people are particularly affected and the number of antisocial behaviour complaints reflecting incidents involving young people and relating to drugs/alcohol, harassment, property damage, noise etc. is on the increase. This conflict has a high cost: antisocial and conflictive behaviour impedes the development of the young people involved and affects the wellbeing, education, social and economic progress of other young people and society as a whole. Today, municipal authorities are compelled to seek new ways of decreasing conflict and promoting social inclusion, especially among disadvantaged youth. Youth peer-to-peer community mediation is an effective strategy but is still in its infancy in Ireland, UK and Spain, and is virtually unknown in Romania, Slovenia. If its benefits are to be made available to young people, all those actors entrusted with youth services, must undergo a shift in skills training and vision.Young Community Mediators seeks to do just that: bring together youth workers, public authorities and wider stakeholders in an innovative, cross sector Regional Alliance to:a) Create, publish and promote the “Young Community Mediators Toolkit” to encourage the creation of Regional Alliances for peer-to-peer mediation across Europe;b) identify the skills, opportunities and best practices by which young people can be empowered as peer-to-peer mediators in their communities, devising individual and collective commitments to action in five regional action plans; c) Develop, test and optimise an innovative training curriculum and multimedia online course to train youth workers to impart mediation skills to young people in creative and dynamic ways. Young Community Mediators will be delivered by five organizations from the public, private and non-profit sector each with a strong track record in youth work, social inclusion and citizenship, and education. The project will be lead by ROSCOMMON LEADER PARTNERSHIP (RLP), a high profile hub organization working with dozens of regional and national partners. They are joined by Fundación Nuestra Señora Aparecida (Spain), East Belfast Enterprise (UK), Amicii Petru Poni College (Romania) and SPES Association for Cultural Relations (Slovenia.) YCM represents a new generation of youth education projects because of its ability to reach disadvantaged youth and encourage them to become proactively involved in community around them, combating disengagement and isolation on part of both mediators and those who benefit from the mediation. The project positions youth mediation as a new route to increased citizenship and has the advantage of empowering young people to take up a leadership positions among other young people, acquiring useful transversal skills in the process such as problem solving, value creation, negotiation and self esteem.As a result of our project: - hundreds of young people (16 – 30 yr olds), the majority from disadvantaged backgrounds, will acquire knowledge and skills to settle disputes peacefully in schools and neighbourhoods, widening their own confidence, responsibility and skills ultimately useful for employers, and contributing to the wellbeing of those around them. - youth workers and youth work organizations will adopt new strategies to incorporate new skills teaching, thus enhancing the relevance and quality of their work for problems facing youth in daily lives in today’s society- those responsible for youth public policy will find new ways of engaging with hard-to-reach young people, often from disadvantaged backgrounds. - Schools, neighbourhoods and communities will experience increase in wellbeing as more disputes are settled peacefully and less escalate into antisocial or violent acts; with resulting increase in cohesion and potential for future positive change as young people envisage greater role in society. - Stakeholders in the region will understand and actively support integrated approach to ensuring high quality youth work and informal skills training for more and more young people.

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