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YouConf2015 "Relaunch Karlsruhe 2.0 - Feel Free: It´s YOURS!"
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

YouConf2015 - „Karlsruhe 2.0 Relaunch Of A City – Feel free: It’s yours!“ • 300 years ago Karlsruhe was constructed at a drawing board. It should meet the visions of the builders and the needs of the future inhabitants. • The question was posed with the international youth exchange YouConf2015: How would young people plan today a "perfect city", which meets the current needs of life in the city? What questions they ask themselves? How important concede they questions here after living and work, mobility, aesthetics, meeting places, environmental protection, etc.? What solutions/ answers you find for it? The city of Karlsruhe should serve as a "Desktop" mentally: how would this city for example, overlooking 2051 be "relaunched"? • To the YouConf2015 were invited initially 60 people from Karlsruhe and the twin cities. The twin city Halle / Saale has unfortunately completely cancelled, from other towns, a total of 46 people have participated in this youth exchange. All young people of the YouConf2015 involved in NGO, youth councils, student parliaments or directly in the youth work in their city. • The implementation of ideas, visions and open questions of young people took place during the YouConf2015 not in the city itself. In addition to factual-content "Impulse of each day" was the focus of the joint, occupied with participants inside from all cities workshops in the creativity: *theatre, *graffiti, *music, *upcycling, *stop-motion-movie and * "Design thinking" = in terms of a set of structured development process. • Declared objective and focus of the YouConf2015 was in youth exchange between the young people of the twin cities. Workshop activities on the theme served this purpose. More activities to achieve the objective were the presentations of all groups involved at the start and "Evenings of cultures", where each partner group a set of the complete program designed, presented their own dances, games, show items and culinary specialties. This and the joint work of young people in the "perfect city" 2051 all wreck could get valuable information about the different historical, cultural, social background of teenagers from the other cities. Prejudices and existing "images” could be replaced with direct information. • To prepare the YouConf2015, young people from the outset were invited to contribute with their substantive and organizational needs and ideas. This was about all the possibilities on the Internet (Ypart, Facebook, Twitter). Other elements of preparation were continuous email communication with leaders in the partner organizations, and a preparatory meeting which was held in March in Karlsruhe. Thus the common goal and the posts were required by each partner, could be set in concrete terms. The participating leaders and young people were then able to prepare their group for the youth exchange and to answer their organizational questions. In addition was a new impetus in the preparation of the group, because the YouConf2015 had become "tangible". • The YouConf2015 performed publicly in appearance with an official reception at the Town Hall and the final presentation. These dates created talks with political representatives, too. • In other events on the birthday of the city, the results of the YouConf2015 were presented several times by the Karlsruhe youth: at the Science Festival “EFFEKTE”, at the explorers camp with the Karlsruhe OB in the Festival Pavilion, at the World Children's Day and the 3rd Karlsruhe Youth Conference. Also in the twin cities, the parties presented the YouConf2015 in many ways, making the twin city of Karlsruhe and also the possibilities of international youth exchanged get a new or higher presence. • Concrete ideas for future projects were created in the YouConf2015 with the partners from Nancy and Krasnodar: here we think together about an international "Youth Summit", where any other partner organizations (e.g. Lublin / Poland) to be involved in. A first approximation took place with the city of Timisoara and the contacts to the youth work in Nottingham have been revived. Timisoara would like to first build contact at the level of the youth work professionals, while there is interest between Nottingham and Karlsruhe, to Exchange on the topic "Participation by young people". • The young people and the responsible use still the possibilities of the common Internet platforms remain in contact.

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