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Yeni Araçlar ve Yeni Metodolojiler ile Kaliteli Okul
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One of the main priorities in European Union 2020 Strategy is determined as the improvement of all kind of schools in all level. By achieving high quality levels, our school aims to facilitate students' graduation with high qualifications and so integrating in professional life. Besides following the current trends in education, the school staff is not efficient enough in using Web 2. 0 tools, ICT tools and CLIL methodology at school. There is also a lack of staff who are fluent in any foreign language. In order to improve the quality of school, it is needed to train the staff on new methodologies and on the use of new educational tools. According to this need, it is planned to attend a course on ICT tools in Spain, a course on Web 2. 0 tools in Romania and a course on CLIL methodology in Czech Republic. Besides, two job-shadowing activities are planned in two countries of different level of development; in England and Greece. E-Twinning will be actively used during the preparation, the implementation and the evaluation phases of the project. Dissemination activities will be organized and followed via E-Twinning, as well. The aim of the project is the staff's gaining information and experience on the use of web 2.0 tools, ICT tools and CLIL methodology by attending structured courses and job-shadowing activities; to enable their reaching further researches on their own field by improving their language skills and contributing school quality improvement by transferring good practices into the school. While selecting the partners, the courses which exactly meet the needs of school and the schools from countries of different levels of development are preferred. Project participants will be selected by the school administrators and the contact person according to the identified criterion such as; Europass CVs, position, competence, language skills, motivation, communication skills, willingness, experience and openness to innovation. At the end of the courses, it is expected that the participants will get acknowledged and be able to do implementations on the topic of the courses, improve their language and communication skills and gain willingness on international activities. By the help of job-shadowing activities, the participants are expected to learn how new methodologies and new tools are used effectively at different schools. It is also expected that the participants will improve their knowledge on different cultures by meeting people from different countries. In the preparation phase, the participants will be given courses on English language and on new educational approaches. Twinspace page on E-Twinning will be created on this phase, as well. During implementation phase, three training activities and two job-shadowing activities will be done. Evaluation meetings with the participants following each activity will be organized. Prior t job-shadowing activities, video conferences will be organized with partner schools. In the evaluation phase, project assessment survey will be applied on the participants. Workshops with teachers from other schools in the district will be organized. All the acquisitions will be shared with other staff and students via presentations and meetings. The logistic issues of the participants will be of the school administrators' and the participants' own responsibility. Other responsibilities concerning the implementation of the activities will be determined with the contracts to-be-signed by partners and course providers. A language course and a professional course are planned for the preparation of the participants Informative meetings will be held before each activity with the aim of giving detailed information about the country to-be-visited and the activity. A grant agreement will be signed with Turkish National Agency about the use of the budget and other fiscal issues. The project is expected to have positive impacts on the school itself, the teachers and the students. Teachers are expected to improve their knowledge on new tools and new methodologies and to improve their language skills which enable them to reach further researches on their own field and so improve themselves professionally. Students will get high-quality education with the common use of new methodologies and especially new tools. they will graduate as more qualified persons. The project will contribute the improvement of school quality and help the school reach the aimed vision in future. the results of the project will make the school more preferred and recognizable by others.
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