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Yaşlı Hasta Bakım Hizmetlerinde Sağlık Personelinin Iletişim Becerilerinin Arttırılması
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

When the data on the population of the world as well as our country is analyzed, it is seen that the number of the young population decreases whereas the number of the elderly population increases, which arises the need for qualified healthcare staff in one of the social field of services:care for the old people. The healthcare staff needed is those who do not only have the basic healthcare knowledge but also can establish empathy with the old people thanks to their developed communication skills. As a result of this requirement, our institution started to provide trainings in the field of “care services for patients and old people” in 2014-2015 academic year. With this project, it is aimed to ensure that the staff who will provide services in this field gain the communication skills while caring old patients, share information and experiences by observing the practices in partner countries, reflect the basic knowledge and skills gained to their educational environment. A team of 4 staff consisting school director, deputy director, English Teacher and vocational teachers will be included in the project. Participating staff will increase their competences in terms of their skills, knowledge and experiences thanks to the training within the project and they will master in the school practices. In addition, they will have the change to exchange information in a foreign language at basic level. The vocational teachers will be able to observe various methods and practices in the vocational fields, increase their vocational skills and apply various approaches in their teaching methodologies. The main activities envisaged within the project are as follows: 3 day theoretical training at Vienna Bilcom GmbH ( workshop). 1st day “psychological changes depending on aging” 2nd day “psychological approach to old patients” 3rd day “communicating with old patients “ Training seminars will be held in the above mentioned issues. During the following two days, there will be study visits to the care centers for old patients. “Europass” certificates will be granted at the end of the trainings. The content of the lessons in the nursing of old patients department,lesson performance and the evaluation methods of the success of internship practices will be analyzed, technical practise area and the internship institutions wil be observed at the school of Instituto de Educación Secundaria Federico Mayor Zaragoza,Spain. At the end of the project, the participants will have acquired the skills to access, construe and evaluate the basic scientific knowledge, to define the problems, analyze them and perform the necessary studies to solve these problems. Following the completion of the main activities, the participants will acquire communications skills in terms of caring patients and old people as well as gaining a perspective at EU standards. The students who are the main target group will be able to benefit from experiences of their teachers and adopt the scientific approaches in terms of communicating with old patients, establishing empathy with them and finding solutions to their problems. Old patients who are the indirect target group will better cooperate with the staff at the treatment phase by communicating easily with the qualified health care staff. Quality of the health care services towards the society will increase by means of the students who will graduate. Effective communication will increase the contentment of the individuals,develop the quality of life in long term.As a conclusion of our project,the standards of our country's health care services will improve not only local but also national by means of scientific transfers that we will serve to our people of which we will get information from the most developed country's of the world.

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