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Yardımcı Sağlık Elemanlarının Mesleki Yeterliliklerinin Güçlendirilmesi için Avrupa Stajı
Start date: Aug 8, 2016, End date: Aug 7, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Emergency Medical Services and Postoperative Care Services has a position accepting no mistake as they are directly related to human life and have a vital importance. Therefore, theoretical and practical training and job training of Emergency Medical Technician, Health Care Technician and Nursing Students who will provide these services are very important and this training should be given precisely. Our school's educational infrastructure hasn't been updated in line with technological developments and changes and innovations in the sector's expectations. Our another major shortcoming is that our students cannot do the internship in organizations with modern medical equipment. However, occupational skill training should be conducted alternately in the units such as command and control service, emergency station, emergency room, operating room, intensive care units, delivery room etc. Out of date educational infrastructure of our school and unsatisfactory occupational skill training lead to our students cannot put theoretical knowledge into practice, their professional knowledge and skills cannot meet the expectations of organizations and the students have employment difficulties in their field of study. Our project aims to enable our students studying Emergency Medical Technician, Health Care Technician and Nursing at 11th and 12th grades to obtain the cognitive, affective and psychomotor behaviors required by their profession, put the theoretical knowledge into practice, become skillful at using devices and equipment with the latest technology in a correct and accurate way, improve their professional knowledge and skills, gain work experience in the organizations with modern medical equipment and strengthen their employability. A partnership has been formed with Střední Zdravotnická Škola (Czech Republic), META-Don Bosco Szakközépiskola (Hungary) and Bókay János Humán Kéttannyelvű Szakközépiskola (Hungary) in order to meet these needs of our students.Information, vocational preparation, foreign language, cultural preparation, occupational safety and orientation trainings will be arranged in the country to prepare the students for job training abroad and achieve the project goals. On-the-job training activities, on-site examination, social and cultural activities will be carried out within the hosting partners.We will gather a project team to manage the project process, organize the activities planned, execute works and processes related to the project and provide support services for the participants. The participants will be selected by a Selection Commission. Accompanying teachers will be assigned to follow development of the participant students, control process of the on-the-job training process and provide support services for the students.Opinions of the health institutions' officials and feedback from our graduates have demonstrated needs for practical skills. The placement period has been agreed to last 3 weeks in compliance with these needs, current knowledge and skills of our students and opinions of our foreign partners.After 3-week on-the-site job training activities within the hosting partners, our 50 students will; • learn EU standards for Emergency Medical & Health Care Technician and Nursing professions, • become skillful at using devices and equipment with the latest technology in a correct and accurate way, • gain work experience in the organizations with modern medical equipment by working alternately in the units, • put the theoretical knowledge into practice, • develop skills to apply innovative and successful practices and make contribution to transfer of these practices into our country, • obtain the cognitive, affective and psychomotor behaviors required by their profession,• develop their foreign language skills, • make contribution to intercultural communication by recognizing different cultures and promoting their own culture, • acquire awareness of EU and active citizenship,• develop themselves personally.Thanks to the project, our 50 students will put their theoretical knowledge into practice by receiving on-the-job training in organizations with modern equipment and gain professional and personal qualifications demanded by the organizations. Their employability will become easier as they will be preferred in the sector after strengthening professional qualifications and personal development, gaining work experience and documenting these with certificates.The project will increase motivation of all our students, especially the participants and contribute to reduction of absenteeism and early school dropout rate. Project dissemination activities and transfer of the participant's acquisitions into organizations they will work for by sharing with them with their friends will make a contribution to higher quality health services in the health sector in terms of local, regional and national level.

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