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Xρήση Eναλλακτικών Kαυσίμων για την Kίνηση Οχημάτων «LPG – CNG» , Yβριδικά Αυτοκίνητα - Εκπαίδευση και καλές Πρακτικές στην Παραγωγή και Μεταποίηση Βιολογικών Αρωματικών Φυτών
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1st Activity The wide use of alternative fuel for Vehicles, as well as the use of hybrid technology start to increase. The financial recession pushed consumers to search for financially better ways of using their vehicles. Governments responded to the citizens' call, adopt the above mentioned technologies. At the same time the car industry listening the demands of the time, manufactures models with factory installations of the "LPG-CNG' technology. Moreover, many vehicles that are already used are customized so that they can use both fuel for operating "Gas and LPG or Gas and CNG". The European Commission has set the target of 25% of the vehicles used in European Union by 2020, to be of hybrid technology. The above mentioned technologies, except from lower running costs, offer zero emissions, something that is very important in lowering environmental pollution. The students that will participate in the specific action will have the opportunity to learn about these technologies, fact that will be very important for them, as with the end of their studies they will be asked to repair and service vehicles of such technology. If someone takes in mind the lack of such subjects in the Greek Educational System, they can easily understand the need for finding a way of covering the specific educational needs of the students in Vehicle Engineering, through the use of additional training like the one offered by the mobility projects of the ERASMUS + programme. In this activity will participate 18 students of the Vehicle class of the Ergastiriako Kentro Agriniou. The activity will take place in Limassol of Cyprus. 2nd Activity Greece is rich in flora and a vast number of its species is included in the category of aromatic herbs. By writing aromatic herbs, we mean a group of plants that include in their tissues, essential oils, which are aromatic substances. The beneficial properties of the aromatic and pharmaceutical plants are known to people for centuries, while their use in the past was the only therapeutic treatment for diseases and conditions. Despite the huge developments of the chemical pharmaceutical industry, during the recent years, there is great interest on behalf of consumers, as well as the scientific community for the properties of herbs. The systematic cropping of aromatic and pharmaceutical plants began in our country about three decades ago. In this project that has the subject of training in the Production and Processing of Biological Aromatic Plants, will participate 15 students of the Agriculture sector, and as hosting country Cyprus was selected. Agroplant ltd will be the host partner in the project, which is a company that holds great expertise in production, processing and trading biological aromatic plants. Aims of the project are: - The practical training of the participants in biological farms, processing and trading units, - The theoretical education of the participants through seminars, in regards to subjects such as systems of biological agriculture, complete production management, mechanization of production and improving trading. - The promotion of the need of constant vocational training within the framework of LifeLong Learning - The strengthening of team and cooperation spirit - The acquisition of new friends and future partners/fellow workers - The contact with the social and cultural environment of the host country - The acquisition of the Europass Mobility certification. The mobility project in both activities will consist of two parts, one theoretical and one practical and the duration of both activities will be two weeks.

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