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Wzmocnienie wymiaru międzykulturowego naszej szkoły- europejska przygoda w nauczaniu
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ten teachers from Primary school in Niestepowo are planning to take part in the Erasmus Plus project entitled „The reinforcement of multicultural aspect of our school- the European adventure at teaching”. Among them there are teachers of following subjects: English, art, technology, science, Polish, history, early years education and day –care room. The choice of the teachers depended on many factors and was precisely planned. We selected the teachers thanks to whom the realisation of the project would be possible. Those are people who are very creative, willing to cooperate, to take new initiatives and challenges. Their attendance in the Erasmus project will influence their future job, so that they will take actions from which the pupils and the school will benefit. They have got the competences and skills which will be helpful and necessary for making the project.The main aims of the project are connected with: improving the language skills of English and Spanish, increasing the level of enterprise among the teachers and the pupils and also building the sense of iniciative at our school. We would also like to promote the attitude of open-mindedness and tolerance among the pupils and increase the skills of using modern technologies in the didactic process.The foreign language courses has been chosen according to the identified needs of the teachers and will contribute to the realisation and success of the Erasmus + Project. The teachers will gain new skills at the subject of teaching and learning. They will start using new technologies in the teaching process. All of this will cause good changes in the organisation of the didactic process in the future. The lessons will be enriched by multicultural aspects and cultural education. That will make changes in the attitudes of the pupils , it will make them more open minded and aware of the cultural and linguistic differences .Making contacts with foreign schools will become an additional motivation for the pupils for learning languages and using them in real life. This will also increase their level of knowledge about other European countries and will build up their awareness of cultural variety.The realisation of the Erasmus project will also contribute to the development of the sense of iniciative and enterprise both among the pupils and the teachers ,who will become positevely motivated to taking new challenges, planning and raporting their actions.The school will include the new experiences and skills into the future strategic plan of the development of the school. Our aims for the future are: looking for the contacts with foreign schools from European Union in order to exchanging the experiences and to cooperating, opening up for the modern technologies and pedagogical innovations, using multimedia at learning and working, teaching team work and increasing the level of creativity and enterprise.Thanks to the higher level of language skills among the teachers we are planning to offer new extra activities for the pupils, such as Spanish Club and European Club .Taking new educational challenges by our teachers will cause positive changes and innovations at the teaching process. In the future we would like to use innovative didactic methods of teaching based on the projects, team work and observations. These methods will be conducive to asking questions, putting the hypothesis and scientific experiments.In order to share the results of the project ,the participants of the mobility together with the head teacher have planned many meetings with the teachers, pupils and parents from surrounding schools (for example: Primary School in Żukowo, Primary School in Borkowo, Primary School in Miszewo ). There also will be the meetings with the teachers from The Centre of Educational Iniciatives in Kartuzy. We have also planned open lessons for the teachers from other schools from the Community, publication of the methodological articles in the magazine for the teachers and some information notes about the project in local newspaper.All the actions connected with our project will be summed up on the celebratory meeting in the The Centre of Educational Iniciatives in Kartuzy. Another similar meeting will be at our school.The participation in the Erasmus project will cause that our school will be widely considered as modern and prestigious, where modern techniques and methods are used, which forms the attitude of tolerance and the respect for the variety .
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