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Wzmacnianie kompetencji językowych nauczycieli kluczem do sukcesu uczniów - wykorzystanie zintegrowanego kształcenia przedmiotowo-językowego jako innowacyjnego podejścia metodycznego w nauczaniu o zakresie szerszym niż samo nauczanie języków obcych
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of the project entitled "Enhancing language-related competences of teachers as the key to success of their students - implementation of Content and Language Integrated Learning as an innovative approach in teaching of a broader scope than only a foreign language teaching" is to arrange a training in CLIL within Erasmus+ mobility program, for a group of 8 teachers of sciences (including TI, Chemistry, Maths, Geography), Humanities (Social Studies, history) and also youth psychologist (career advisor) and a PE teacher in the context of planned project work within the sub-sector program Erasmus+ Sport. School Development Program assumes implementation of innovative methods of work with students proposed by the concept of Language and Content Integrated Learning, recommended by European Commission, and innovative ITC tools. Implementation of these methods shall motivate students to study a foreign language together (simultaneously) with a non-language subject. This will increase the chance for success at university and in contemporary labour market. Teachers at our school are aware of the demands related to implementation of CLIL methods in lessons faced both by the teacher and the students. CLIL is mainly associated with teaching a particular subject through a foreign language, or introduction of the elements of a non-language subject in language lessons, e.g. history, biology, geography, etc. Aiming at meeting students’ expectations and for the purpose of adjusting the methods of work to their needs in the context of preparing students and future graduates to successful functioning in knowledge-based society, information society and modern labour market they have been constantly working on development of their skills and methods of work that will allow for preparing students to pass their final exam on good level, study in Poland or abroad in English, acquire and transfer knowledge from various areas with the use of appropriate tools and notions that are specific for the specific knowledge area. Therefore it seems necessary to gain some guidelines on how to plan and apply this method in lessons. I.J. Paderewski General Comprehensive High School no X is a medium-sized school in which people – both the teachers and the students are the strengths. Therefore their development is of the key significance. It is based on the synergy effect – one cannot be developed without the development of the other. Only a well-educated teacher equipped with the latest methods of work can offer their students appropriate level of presented knowledge. On the other hand, working with the teacher who is highly-motivated and well-prepared for the work increases students’ willingness to study and develop their knowledge. Teachers working in our school regularly participate in various methodology trainings the goal of which is to gain knowledge about innovative methods of work with students and obtaining the best results of work. We are aware of enormous changes in methods of work with students and progress in technology supporting teaching and learning process that have significant impact on the success of students and graduates from our school on contemporary labour market. The result of the project shall be implementation of CLIL-based methods of work with students in the lessons of non-language subjects, and in the context of long-term results, successful functioning of our students and graduates in knowledge-based society, knowledge-based economy and contemporary labour market. We want to provide them with knowledge of English enabling communication in various knowledge areas and studying in English both in Poland and abroad without the fear of being unable to analyse scientific issues in English. We are going to share and diffuse gained knowledge among teachers at our school and in the environment in which the school is functioning. While popularising project results we are going to encourage also people from other regions working in education sector to contact with us for the purpose of sharing our experiences. We are going to disseminate project results among our staff, our students and their parents, but also among other interested parties through traditional media and through the Internet.

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