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Wykwalifikowany nauczyciel gwarancją rozwoju ucznia
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project is to enable teachers of the School in the Old Kornica professional capacity, stimulate creative thinking, which is essential for the creation of original lesson plans and apply inspiring working methods. Teacher courses will have the opportunity to familiarize teachers with trends in modern education, will enable trainees to gain practical ICT skills, regardless of the subject taught or the type of school in which the teacher teaches. The aim is to prepare teachers to use in their school practice diverse, including multimedia and distributed sources of information and the means of their presentation.One of the objectives is to improve the quality, which is in turn determined two properties: skills and motivation. Man achieves job satisfaction, fulfilled in her, is effective when satisfies their needs not only physical, but also mental. Climate stabilization in the team and a sense of security contribute to its integration, and finally to effective results. In each group of employees, problems, situations dispute. However, it is important, as are conducted, what the aim and end.Project activities include: recruitment, the linguistic, cultural and dot the course. Risk management (actions are described later in this application), traveled for the course and evaluation activities and disseminating results.A group of teachers who involved in the project is very diverse. They are teachers of primary and middle schools, learning foreign languages ​​(3 persons), Language Polish (2 persons), chemistry, physics, history, art, science, nature, music, mathematics (of 2 people), physical education (2 persons), teachers early childhood education (2 persons), people working in the common room and library. When choosing participants for the project manager made sure that in the course, teachers took advantage of almost every subject taught in school, which will allow cover the planned European Programme for the Development of the entire Group of Schools and integrate our facility. A wider group of teachers will be involved in the work of disseminating the project results and continuation of activities that will usher teachers educated on selected courses. They will share the acquired knowledge both with the employees of our Group of Schools, conducting courses and training in new teaching methods, and also go beyond the walls of our facility disseminating the results of the project at meetings and conferences held in the county.Selected teachers will benefit from courses that prepare our Portuguese partner.

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