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Współpraca międzynarodowa drogą do poprawy jakości nauczania
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Zespół Szkół nr 9 in Wloclawek intends to implement international cooperation to our school working plan and combine it with the core curriculum and obligatory school syllabi effectively. The beginning of such cooperation is necessary because of untimely school leaving by many of our students. Taking into consideration the fact that we need to prepare young people to find their way to the European labour market since the early years, we put the emphasis on learning lifelong learning of foreign languages and educating them as people who are tolerant and accepting cultural diversity. Moreover, we intend to implement an effective program of key competencies that prepare students to cope with the challenges of our modern world and lead to later success in the society. With the help of innovative techniques and teaching methods, including the use of ICT tools and work on international projects, lessons are likely to become a source of inspiration for students to continue learning outside the classroom which will definitely bring higher learning outcomes. In order to achieve these basic assumptions school needs qualified staff that will be able to create a European plan for school development for the coming years, manage and organize international cooperation, implement outcomes of the projects into the curriculum, apply for funding from the resources of the Erasmus + and train teachers willing to join the programme. Foreign language teachers need to refresh and enrich their workshop and learn the new technologies used in language teaching. Two teachers of English were chosen for the project including foreign mobility. Both are well qualified with many years of work experience. Both implement their own innovative methodological programmes during the classes of English. The teachers are motivated to develop their own workshop, undertake international cooperation, share their experiences and have clear objectives of the mobility abroad. The main activities of the project are: 1 Preparation of participants for mobility. 2 Mobility of participants: attending courses. 3 Activities after returning from mobility - the implementation of the European Development Plan: writing the plan, the establishment of international eTwinning online projects, applying for cooperation for innovation and good practice exchange KA2. 4 Dissemination of project results 5 Evaluation of the project Results: The impact on participants. The project will contribute to the improvement of personal and professional competence of teachers. It will also give a broader overview of the latest methods, techniques and materials, equip teachers with the ability to use of ICT tools for language lessons. This will enable international contacts in order to create future projects. Their participation in the course will improve organizational skills in managing a group of students in international projects. The impact on the institution of the applicant. The use of new materials, strategies and ideas will improve the quality of teaching during English lessons. Consequently, the school will be seen as a modern institution caring about the quality of teaching, in which teachers put an emphasis on lifelong education. Individual educational needs of students are going to be recognized and satisfied more effectively. A positive result can also be seen in an significant implementation of international projects, and thus increasing the European dimension in school work making our educational offer more attractive and the existence in the 'community' of European schools. Impact on students. The participants of project will implement the programme of acquiring key competencies in a more effective way that can prepare students to cope with the challenges of our modern world and result in later success in our society and labour market. They will also enhance their students’ interest in European issues, create the possibility of cooperation connected with international projects which will contribute to the development of this attitude of tolerance and acceptance of cultural diversity.
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