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Wrocławianin, Polak, Europejczyk - międzynarodowy wymiar edukacji
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project titled " Inhabitant of Wrocław, Pole, European - international dimension of education" implies intensive participation of educational staff and managment, including 26 mobilities in 7 countries. The school project Erasmus+ was designed on the basis of diagnosis skills and the needs of teachers and students in order to create European Plan Development of School. The project includes the participation in four kinds of training: 1. Increasing the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages. 2. Increasing the motivation of teachers. 3. Development of interests among students and motivate them to achieve practical skills through the use of ICT tools. 4. Retraining teachers, double subject teaching and bilingual classes. 5. Sensitivity to social needs and changes in the world. 6. Psychology in directing educational institution and managing of change. The participation in the project will improve the professional competence of teachers, allow the acquisition of new skills - lingual and interpersonal . This will allow for implementation of innovative teaching methods based on the communication methods , such as CLIL , CLL , TPR , and in the future, for establishing a bilingual class or extending the education offer of schools, as well as the introduction of a uniform teaching strategies . This will enable teachers, who are potentially in the risk of redudancy, changing the job profile and becoming a force for further self-education. It will contribute to getting to know the latest methods and techniques of teaching foreign languages ​​, to gain knowledge of culture of European countries , environmental attitudes , tolerance and human rights , to know the latest ICT tools. Participation in the project will also contribute to the improvement of personal competence of teachers through the development of greater freedom in interpersonal relations with people in foreign languages, increase self-esteem and authority among students , greater integration of the teaching profession , in the shape of a sense of tolerance, respect for other nationalities , openness to other cultures , as well as understanding and comparison of other educational systems . The knowledge and experience gained from the training will make the educational activities will be interesting, creative , full of ideas , and students will be more willing to take part in them , showing greater motivation for learning and achieving better results and will abound in the new organizational and methodological solutions , will enrich them as well additional information in the field of cultural studies European countries , other educational systems , knowledge about human rights, environmental attitudes , knowledge that for some students will be the only opportunity for contact with the culture of Europe. All these activities make it both in the minds of teachers and students will see a new dimension of education - a European dimension. Teacher - of Wroclaw , Polish , European - will have a broader perspective of looking at the teaching profession and the role in the upbringing and shaping the attitudes of the young Polish generation. The institution while improve their quality of work in these areas , will work internationally and be in possession of a competent and motivated personnel with extensive practical experience .

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