Working in Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2014,
End date: May 31, 2016
Our mobility project "Working in Europe - WIE" provided young IT professionals from the dual and school-based vocational training (IT Assistant / s) with an 8 -10 weeks practical experience in other European countries. Also, the program addressed Assistants in Medical Device Technology (TAM) who have to pass an integrated and compulsory internship during their last year of schooll based training - which can either be in Germans or abroad. We continued to use our well established foreign partnerships to place both groups into adequate interships. Thus we were able, to both meet the requirements of National Training Act (Acquisition and improvement of occupational competence) as well as the aim to provide new language and intercultural skills, which far exceed the regular career pathways and requirements of our courses. According to prior experience with other mobility projects we expected that also this programmee would lead to a significant increase in language skills and a significant intensification and differentiation of occupational skills. In accordance with our cooperating German companies we aimed at promoting an access and understanding of vocational opportunities within the European labor markets. Since some of the existing training courses at the OSZ IMT provide a dual qulaification with later access to univerisities or technical colleges, we find that both the effects of language in professional context as well as new intercultural skills serve as a successful entry into graduate programs at university level. Besides, the participants themselves experiene this training abroad as an entry into the wider European or global job market. Since all participants acquire after the project both the Europass Mobility and after successfully passing a language test - conducted at the OSZ IMT through the external agency TELC, the new professional qualifications and language skills are documented in a widely diversified portfolio and can be included by all participants in their further career planning. This enrichment of qualifications includes therefore not only the individual personally but provides a vauable professional experience which contributes significantly to the success and reputation of ur European programme. Overall, our project has prepared young workers for an internationally orientated, intercultural and demanding work situation. It enabled them with experiences and challenges in a nut shell, enabling them to transfer these experiences into new work contexts. We believe therefore, that our programme has contributed not only to the formation of European awareness but enabled young workers for a realistic participation in the European Economic Area.
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