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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background - development of the project & subject context: The Work to Grow project brings new learning experiences to Social Work professionals. Through the planned training mobilities, Educators learn how to create flexible vocational training sessions by using the Social Economy to open opportunities for their clients case, making lifelong learning a realty for all. Specialist Educateurs face case-load challenges for which their professional qualification is not always relevant. This project provides additional training to better equip them for work challenges. This project provides mobility opportunities for well motivated, experienced professional staff so that they can learn about alternative ways of providing vocational training and personal support to their clients. Educators recognise that alternative methods integration are necessary to provide sustainable solutions to the problems of the most disenfranchised client groups such as those with long term drugs & alcohol addictions, health issues, homelessness, distressed families, young unaccompanied immigrants and the very long term unemployed groups. Traditional, formal, institution-based courses are not always open to, nor accessible by many client groups that have little or no basic education & no real work experience. The project objectives include: - Learning from partners and bringing good practice back to France to modernise training systems. - Developing capacity of staff by learning about education and training systems in other countries. - Exploring the Social Economy through understanding social and community enterprise and entrepreneurship. - Taking part in a training course resulting in how to develop and run a Social Enterprise and vocational training workshop. - Understanding Empowerment and Motivation techniques. - To shape the future of Assn Relience's European Development Plan to assist with organisational internationalisation. - Organise series of Mobilities to each partner country - transfer good practice 36 Specialist Educators, each professionally qualified, will take part in mobilites: 18 to Sweden; 8 to Romania and 8 to the UK. Description of activities Expert transnational partners create & deliver modular training courses within the social economy. This includes specialist subject areas alongside vocational skills & capacity building exercises. Visits to local projects in each country endorse the learning. Participants achieve Europass Certificate as well as part of the ECCE recognition (European Certificate in Community Enterprise), currently in the process of accreditation by Christchurch University, Canterbury. Participatory governance drives dissemination, evaluation and results. Methodology: Staff participants explore other systems of education and training through training modules delivered by project partners. Each partner has recognised expertise. There are mobilities in Sweden, the UK and Romania. The social economy is used as a tool to bring about modernisation of vocational training systems and promote lifelong learning for all. Participants take part training that includes Empowerment, Social Business Development and Rehabilitation through Real Work. Upon their return to France participants cascade their new knowledge and skills for widest impact and to inform colleagues and local partners about the need to modernise training systems as well as extend coverage and implementation of social enterprise. Expected Impact: The project will not only impact on the daily working practices of staff participants. It will also have substantial impact and influence on the lives of wide ranging client groups who will be offered adapted services, devised through learning experiences and good practice transferred to local activity as a result of the mobilities. Impact will also support the organisation as staff feed-back to Senior Management and the Board to influence future Strategic Planning. Results include new & better opportunities to access vocational training & job opportunities for participant's client caseloads. Longer term benefits: As a result of this project participants will not only influence the way the organisation develops, they will also be instrument in championing the social economy as a route out of exclusion, open to all, regardless of prior learning, educational status, qualification, personal circumstance and cultural origin. The ultimate goal is to influence design of test-bed mini-enterprises as vocational training workshops through which disengaged clients can set new horizons for themselves, achieving new goals and applying empowerment and self-help coaching they will progress to independence and fulfillment. The project runs from September 2014 till August 2016. They will collectively write and publish a comprehensive Project Report. Transnational partners are well known to each other, having worked together in past projects.
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3 Partners Participants