Work Placements Brighton
Start date: Sep 7, 2014,
End date: Jul 8, 2016
The HAK International, which is the foreign language branch of the Bundeshandelsakademie Innsbruck, has been sending its fourth-form students on work placements in England and Ireland for ten years already, last year`s and this year`s trips being the first project that have received Erasmus+ funding.
The objectives have always been immersion into the world of the target language, hands-on experience in the world of work, promotion of intercultural awareness and certification useful for the future job prospects of our students. Increased focus with this year`s project has, of course, been on the idea of European Citizenship.
In March of last year the first fourteen students (aged from slightly unter eighteen to nineteen) were sent on work placements in BrightonHove, accompanied by two of their teachers. Our students worked for two weeks in the sectors retail, hotel and catering, and office. The project also included a guided trip to London and various freetime activities organized by us teachers. This March the second group of this project travelled to Brighton with one accompanying teacher in order to do the same programme.
It is safe to say that all goals of our project were achieved. Our students` English vastly improved, they returned with a lot of self-confidence and a valuable certificate, they learned to appreciate life in multicultural England, and they learned to appreciate being European citizens in a Europe without borders.
As part of a new Erasmus+ funded project, next school year`s fourth class of the HAK International will also do work placements in Brighton with our competent and reliable receiving organization, ISE.
This Erasmus+ funded project helps us sharpen the HAK International`s profile, and there is a growing interest in European projects among other classes now as well.
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