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Work Placement Galway
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project consists of a 14-days-stay in Galway with work placements in various companies. Our school has been organizing work placements since 2011, however, this will be the first time that we do it for a period of 2 weeks. Working abroad is an integral part of the concept of the HAK for Languages and Tourism at the BHAK Imst (a business-oriented school for young people between 14 and 19 years of age, finishing with A-levels). They will find jobs in the sectors office, retail, hotels as well as charity, with a focus on customer contact and communication. The primary principle is immersion, the complete integration into the world of our target language, with as little chance as possible to use our native languages. Aim and result are improved English skill, a better understanding of the world of work, a synergy between learning and work, social and intercultural competence, the ability to survive in a foreign-language environment, advertising Austria abroad and the perception of a united Europe worth working at.Internship abroad: Considering the fact that our pupils have to do work experience in the new curriculum, we would like to motivate some of our pupils to work in other European foreign language countries. Due to the Erasmus + individualized financial support, every young person can decide on his/her own whether he/she would like to benefit from a long-term stay abroad. After all, all the arguments, which have been mentioned to support the two-weeks-work-placement, are even more valid in terms of a longer stay abroad. We expect young people to return home with a new sense of self-esteem and confidence, for whom the European Community with its values such as tolerance, mobility and flexibility is self-understood.

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