Search for European Projects

Work Experience in Europe - A Project for students in vocational training
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As "European School" the vocational college Ahlen contributes to the international professional competence by offering students an internship abroad as part of the dual system of vocational training. In this way, we make an important contribution to the personal development of our students, internationalization and Europeanization of education while strengthening our school profile. Our project is exclusively for participants who complete a dual system of education in the field of business and management. The participants work in the sectors of industry, banking, office and wholesale and export and are in the second year of training. The participants complete a 4-week internship in Ireland and England respectively in a European subsidiary of their training company. We regularly send 18 students each year. With the completion of the foreign internship the BK Ahlen has the following objectives: -Collection of international professional experience outside of the training companies -Promotion of international and foreign language skills -Promotion of key qualifications such as social and intercultural skills and problem-solving ability, team competence, responsibility and flexibility. For the implementation of an effective project and quality management, the Erasmus+ project team has set the following priorities: -Selection of the participants according to predetermined criteria: proximity to the completion of the training, positive vote of the training companies, confirmation of academic performance by the teachers, reliability of the participants -regular meetings -regular information of the trainees of all programmes of the project -Preparation of the participant for the internship abroad (cultural, practical and linguistic) -Creating to do lists -Cost transparency -Help to prepare for travel arrangements and insurance of the participants -Evaluation of the project and implementation of improvement measures in the sense of a continuous quality management -Ensuring the communication between all parties involved, especially via E-Mail, Whatsapp -Certification of the internship -Public relations, including press articles, presentation evenings, invitation of the training companies, creating posters, etc. -Use of measures for the evaluation of the projects (weekly reports, reports of training establishments and agencies, feedback form, talks with educators, return evening) Expected results and effects: -Promotion of the language skills: significant progress concerning vocabulary and fluency of the participants. -Promotion of the intercultural + social competence: e.g. reducing prejudices, promote openness in a borderless Europe -Insight in the life and work in the Europ. partner countries: Adaptation to foreign working methods, detecting similarities and differences relating to culture, life and work habits, -Promotion of personal responsibility: Organization of travel arrangements and of life in self-catering apartments, settling in a new work place, taking on tasks in their own responsibility -Extension of media competence through communication via E-Mail, Whatsapp etc. -better/competitiveness of prospects for the future Long-term benefits for the BK Ahlen: -continuous establishment of the Erasmus+ project as an integral part of the education due to the positive experience and feedback of involved training companies and participants -Erasmus+ as an important location factor of BK in the competition of free school choice -Establishment of the presentations of the experiences of the participant to an integral part of teaching and gradual integration in the curriculum of the subject English -Remuneration of the Erasmus+ project activities by the headmaster with 3 hours of teaching reduction for the Erasmus+ team -Awarded the title of "European school" in the year 2007: honouring and award of the longtime commitment regarding the Europeanisation/internationalisation of education -Special appreciation of the Erasmus+project by the external quality analysis of the BK Ahlen at the end of 2007 -Companies with former Ersamus+ participants support other trainees regarding an application for an internship -Acquisition of another company, which send their trainees to an internship abroad for the first time -Formation of networks with other vocational colleges (including exchange of experience, Exchange of checklists and much more) -Continuity and trusting cooperation with the partner companies

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