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Work-Based Learning in the Field of Mechatronics: Introducing VET Multipliers to Alternate Work-Based Learning in Romania and Macedonia
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A major part of the member states of the European Union was facing the problem of a high youth unemployment rate in the last couple of years. The reasons are the economic difficulties as a consequence of the economic crisis on the one hand. On the other hand the professional education systems are often in deficit. Many member states lack a vocational training system that is sufficiently oriented towards the needs of the labor market, which is why an apprenticeship is often not attractive for youngsters. The European Comission recomends the orientation towards the work-based learning in the systems of professional education. With this in mind the Erasmus + project “Work-Based Learning in the Field of Mechatronics: Introducing VET Multipliers to Alternate Work-Based Learning in Romania and Macedonia” realized by the Bildungswerks der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) gGmbH introduces work-based components into the apprenticeship of Mechatronics in Hunedoara, Timisoara (Romania) and in Kavadarci (Macedonia) The project is to have a duration of 36 months, starting on 01.09.2015. Next to the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft other partners such as the companies Dräxlmaier and Continental will participate. Moreover the VET-centers in all three locations and the Hunedoara School Inspectorate will take part, so that the dual implementation of the apprenticeship can be fostered ideally. From September 2015 the dual apprenticeship in the field of Mechatronics is planned to be initiated with the participation of the companies in Hunedoara and Timisoara. The project focuses on the qualification of multipliers. Management staff of the project partners such as teaching personnel will be trained in order to be prepared to carry out a practical and labor market oriented professional education in the field of Mechatronics.Furthermore the already existing cooperational structures will be strengthened and expanded. In the framework of this project teaching materials and material for labor market oriented monitoring of the learning progress will be elaborated. These will be made according to the guidelines of EC VET and will bring forth new Mobility Units. By using European tools of professional education the project contributes to a cross-country transparency in the field of apprenticeships as Mechatronics and fosters a European educational area. The project is directed towards multipliers of the professional education. Approximately 100 people from the teaching and management staff of the local partners will participate in trainings throughout the project. In this context there will be organized two training trips to Germany in order to familiarize key persons with the dual professional education system in our country. Overall the project seeks the improvement of the practical orientation and labor market relevance of the apprenticeship as Mechatronics in Hunedoara, Timisoara and Kavadarci. The strong orientation of the apprenticeship towards the demands of the private sector increases at the same time the employability of young school leavers and reduces the risk of youth unemployment.
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9 Partners Participants