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Work Based Learning for Vocational Occupation Students
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Craft school Pozega with VOCOS project aims to improve professional knowledge and skills of 24 students in vocational occupations through professional practice for a two week period at partner institutions Istituto Ruzza and Kroatische Wirtschaftsvereinigunge. Students who will participate in the project attending regular three-year or four-year education for following professions: fashion/clothing technician, tailor, mason, carpenter, painter.The project will engage 12 students from textile sector and two accompanying persons and Istituto Ruzza will be responsible for their accommodation,food,organization of professional practical training; 12 students from constructional and wooden sector and two accompanying teachers will be in charge of institution KWVD. Overall, the project will engage 24 students and 4 accompanying teachers. Practical training will be carried out in Padua (IT) and Frankfurt (DE) for two week period. Both mobility will be implemented in October 2014. Project objectives are: improvement of professional skills, acquiring of new competences through practical training, gaining of working experience in foreign country, gain insight into working conditions in order to strengthen employability after completing of VET and increase competitiveness on the Croatian and EU labor market.Project will be implemented in three phases: preparation of mobility,mobility implementation and monitoring conducted mobility. Preparation of mobility phase-will be carried out through following activities: Coordinator will create a plan for project implementation; participants, accompanying teachers and reserves will be selected according to predefined criteria; coordinator and host partners will create detailed work programme (WP) according of students occupations.WP for all occupations shall be drawn so that students improve and extend existing skills and get familiar with processes of disposal and handling of excess or useless materials for further work, and useful for another usage.WP will be designed in such a way so that all students gain insight into the work obligations, safety at work rules, as well as taking responsibility for any damage done during training.With practical and theoretical knowledge that students will acquire through practical training, they will be introduced with possibilities for further education and personal career development in Germany and Italy (opening SME) or employment.Coordinator will organize meetings before project starts with students and their parents, accompanying teachers and will introduce them with the project,obligations,host partners and documentation. Also, all project participants (students+reserves+accompanying teachers) will be obliged to participate in language and cultural preparations for the purpose of the better efficiency of professional training and practice.Host partners will conduct activities related to accommodation of participants, meals, local transportation organization, finding SMEs/craft companies/schools for conducting of practical training. Mobility implementation phase-selected project participants will take part in the implementation of mobility.Mobility will be carried out according to preagreed WP,depending on the profession of participants.Professional training will last 8 hours/day and in afternoon participants will write daily reports based on acquired knowledge and skills. In the evening,host partners will organize social and cultural activities for participants for the purpose of introducing them with customs, culture and way of life in foreign countries. Monitoring phase-will start promptly upon approval of the project in a way of informing the public through websites of the School. School staff, students, students' parents will be informed about project results through bulletin boards, parent-teacher meetings, sessions of teachers' council,hosting events.Upon completion of the mobility results will be disseminated though the same dissemination methods.Outcomes of practical training are: acquired theoretical and practical knowledge about occupations involved in the project, acquired work commitments in Italy and Germany, motivated students to participate in other forms of education in their occupations,24 students who will transfer knowledge and experience to other students and teachers to encourage them to get involved in similar projects, exploring new technologies and techniques that are in development phase, encourage students to be creative in learning and working and to use innovative methods.Project activities are in line with: Europe 2020 strategy as it ensures the mobility of students in VET and linking education with the labor market;The Bruges Communiqué 2011-2020 strategy as it supports learning by doing, internationalization and strengthening the cooperation of all participants in VET,promotion of VET,exchange of good practices to strengthen the institutions participating in the project.

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