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Wood Energy Exploitation for Entrepreneurship (WOODE3)
Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is addressing the protection and valorisation of forest resources in the Mediterranean space with the integration of mechanisms that will ensure a sound development of the wood energy sector. The aim is to raise awareness and build capacity of decision makers promoting a governance scheme in line with the 4 principles of sustainable development, setting up priorities and providing support to economic operators to ensure sustainable economic development of the sector. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startInside the forest-wood-energy sector there are numerous initiatives undertaken by associations, organizations, local and central governments, although developed at different scales and in different environments, many of them may influence each other, sharing strengths and weaknesses. In fact often it watches the efforts of a local government or a company to deepen the technical mechanisms and bureaucratic of construction of a forest-energy chain, even when similar issues have been addressed previously by adjacent realities. The task of the Piedmont Region is to take a census of the greatest number of studies, research, business ventures, both in its territory, and in that the project partners. With the predisposition of Territorial Portfolio, the continued implementation of the online database, the monitoring of significant projects, harmonization of governance best practices, you try to organize different information, making them easily accessible and exploitable.Latest project activities and outputsFor the management of the project was organized the Steering committee n. 4 in Turin. For the dissemination of information and the comparison with stakeholders has been set up an information booth at the fair Forest and Land , in Susa Valley (TO). For the occasion, were prepared two posters informative. Were also organized a workshop and a training camp. Were completed monitoring activities to biomass plants, by collecting a list of indicators shared. We have assembled the best governance practices sent by the partners and the report was completed. On the basis of the priorities to build tools project were defined general recommendations and specific for biomass sector.Next key steps for the projectAfter completing the collection of the information provided, will be completed the project reports.

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  • 76.4%   952 404,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants