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Włączanie myślenia krytycznego w proces nauki języka, celem zwiększenia szans zawodowych uczniów po ukończeniu szkoły.
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. CONTEXT, OBJECTIVES, NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS The main objective of the project was to support the professional develpment of three English teachers in vocational school of tourism, hotel industry, operation of ports and terminals, banking and finance and advertising called Zespół Szkół im. P. Wysockiego. The main action of the project was concentrated on the course for teachers organised by Easy School of Languages in Malta entitled Integrating Critical Thinking with Language Development to increase Students’ Opportunities beyond Schooling. This course is aimed at teachers who are interested in developing and encouraging critical thinking in their language classroom. Critical thinking helps both students as well as teachers themselves to consider issues from various perspectives. Not only do students gain more language skills, but it also helps them look beyond the classroom and be more aware of the real world, which enhances their future perspectives. 2. RESULTS AND LONG TERM BENEFITS These abilities will increase students’ future opportunities in terms of their professional and career development in all European countries and beyond. We improved the teaching and learning of languages and promoted the EU as a job market. The course in an English speaking country upgraded the participants' language competence, which is deeply connected with better quality of teachers' work in favour of students. Another long term effect is the cooperation with Easy School of Languages in Malta in order to start a new project for the students of vocational technical schools to have internships in Malta and to learn English there. Additionaly, the resulf of our actions is a new eTwining project, which our school started together with the schools in Piła and Radom. On this free platform we share our ideas and activities we had learnt in Malta, which focus on critical thinking in language teaching. This project is directed to students of higher secondary schools at the age of 16-19.The aim of the initiative is to raise the quality of teaching foreign language for specific purposes. 3. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES AND METHODOLOGY First of all, the teachers completed the enrolment form and defined their expectations towards the course. During the course teachers collected and brought realia for the students of hotel and tourism industry classes in a form of maps, guidebooks, leaflets, hotel descriptions and photos. These are used on vocational language classes. Moreover, the students attended a series of lessons about Malta - an attractive tourist destination and a hotel base (multimedia presentation, trip project), which was followed by a numerous contests based on the topic of Malta. We organised two big interschool events called Międzyszkolny Tydzień Języka Angielskiego and students from different vocational and lower secondary schools in Warsaw competed in painting and poetry contests about Malta. Moreover, they prepared multimedia presentations on four topics, took part in Malta quiz and acted in drama with Malta in the background. Both the students and the teachers learnt a lot and highly appreciated our engagement and initiative. The teachers brought new types of activities from the course and had learnt to create the new ones and adjust the existing ones so that they include critical thinking. They shared their knowledge during five so called open lessons and workshops for the teachers of foreign languages from our school and our city district - Targówek. Apart from the main course, the teachers participated in Warsaw Summer School, organised by the European Education Programme LearningWithoutBorders.The invited professionals focused on new ideas and trends in English teaching and in teaching the elements of culture. That was a good practice too. In the school corridor one can read about the project and watch some photos from Malta. Also, there is a photobook depicting some events connected with the project and the works of our students available in the school library. What is more, we added all the information about the project on the school website, under Projekty Europejskie bookmark.
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