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Wir schaffen das: Maßnahmen zur qualitativen Weiterentwicklung der BOS Fürth vor dem Hintergrund von Flüchtlingsproblematik und Jugendarbeitslosigkeit
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Over the last couple of years our school has become more international: Together with English, Spanish and French have become an integral part of the school curriculum. On top of that, the introduction of the new branch “International Business” is planned, in which English plays a key role. Together with a Czech partner school we are already running a bilateral project focusing on sustainability and renewable energies. Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that in recent years about 50 mobilities in each school year took part in various foreign projects, which not only have become more popular among students but are also important in defining our school profile.As we believe in the European idea, we named our project “Mehr Europa wagen” (“Dare to be more European”) and we want to give even more students the chance to participate in international projects in the near future. It is of great importance for our school to establish a network of partner schools. It is also our firm belief that such activities, ranging from typical school exchange programmes to internships at companies abroad, not only motivate students to improve their language skills but also have a positive influence on the soft skills of students and teachers alike.That`s why we want to take advantage of “Key Action 1” (Erasmus +) to support our school in becoming more international. We are convinced that promoting this development is the right thing to do in a Europe that is growing closer together.Description of the activities and the objectives In addition to the five usual training courses, which last a week each, we are planning to arrang 8 trips, where teachers of our school get the chance to visit our partner schools in Turkey, Spain, Poland and Italy.a) We want to be inspired by new ideas on how to plan and optimize school lessonsb) We want to improve the foreign language skills and soft skills of the teaching staffc) We want to cultivate and intensify existing contacts with partner schoolsd) We want to get an idea how other schools manage similar school development processes e) We want to pick up suggestions on how to best organize all-day schooling, including ideas how to best plan additional lessons for students in need of support or how to carry out bilingual lessons.Number and profile of the participantsUp to 5 colleagues will get the chance to take part in training courses abroad. School administration in agreement with those responsible for the project will appoint suitable teachers, preferring language teachers, multiplicators and heads of departments.Procedures when carrying out the projectLuckily a lot of teachers at our school have gathered experience abroad, know how to carry out projects, and are willing to give advice whenever necessary. In the run up to a joint activity intensive communication between the partners will be vital to agree on specific objectives. At the end of each meeting final talks with the partner school will take place and a final report will be issued. In addition, information about the project will be passed on to German colleagues shortly afterwards.Desired results, positive impacts and expected long-term benefits:In the first place the participating teachers will profit by enhancing their individual skills and knowledge. The KA-1 activities mentioned in this proposal will make a significant contribution to improving quality development and helping our school to become more international:- gathering experience in how to shape learning processes outside school, e.g. Elda, Manisa- gathering experience in how to organize all-day schooling and how to plan additional lessons for students in need of support- learning new methods and getting didactic ideas for teaching foreign languages, e.g. Czestochowa, Elda- getting to know modern teaching methods in the so-called MINT-subjects (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, technology) and foreign languages, e.g. Manisa, CzestochowaIn view of our efforts to increase internationalization, we hope that more teachers at our school get involved in such projects in the future. Together with our partners, we want to draw up joint plans that will include strategies on how we can work together even closer. We are happy to pass on our experiences and results, so that the following groups of people can profit: teachers at other schools, the media, parents, former students, neighboring institutions and feeder schools.
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4 Partners Participants