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Wir in Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Participating in the first activity are the School of Horticulture Räpina / Estonia and our College of Further Qualification. We are linked by a long-time partnership within the framework of the LdV Programme Mobility in the first vocational training, and recently in ERASMUS+. The participating trainee gardeners and florists work in Estonian companies, take part in school life and in landscaping the school’s and student hostel’s surroundings. Furthermore, they take part in professional competitions. The project’s targets are getting acquainted with the Estonian world of work and professional training, the ecological features of the country, improving language skills and acquiring social competences. The project can only take place in the vegetation period, from May to September. Six trainees per year take part. Their activities include: internships, school lessons, excursions, regional and cultural studies, joint leisure activities with the Estonian trainees. The participants are chosen and prepared in cooperation with their training companies throughout Thuringia, and they will stay in Estonia for 14 days. They are to write daily reports and design presentations about their stay which are presented to the training companies and their classes, or displayed in our school buildings. Because the trainees in our vocational classes are from all regions of Thuringia (Landesfachklassen) they will share their foreign experience with their colleagues in the training companies of the whole Free State of Thuringia, which ensures a high degree of publicity for this project. The second activity is aimed at apprentices in gastronomical professions and apprentice gardeners. The Vocational College “Ernst-Benary” in Erfurt and the College of Hospitality and Agriculture in Tortoli will be involved in this project. The two-week stay shall give the six prospective restaurateurs an opportunity to become acquainted with the features of the Italian and Sardinian cuisine. Lunch in buffet or menu style is prepared for the staff of the college and the inhabitants of Tortoli in training kitchens and restaurants of the college on a daily basis. This way the apprentices will get to know a wide variety of preparing methods and presentation forms in front of the guest. The target of the project is the improvement of the participants’ language skills, and getting an inside of the Sardinian hospitality and tourism industry. The six gardeners will plan a gardening project (seating, high beds, herb spiral etc.) on the college grounds which will be drafted beforehand in Germany; the Italian college will provide materials and the realization will be carried out during the two-week stay of the apprentices. The target of this project is getting an insight of the Sardinian world of work and vocational training, the ecological features, the improvement of the participants’ language skills and acquiring social competences. All participants will be chosen and prepared together with their training companies, and they will stay on the Isle of Sardinia for 14 days. They will produce daily reports and presentations about their stay which they will show in their companies and to their class mates and which will be displayed in the school building as well.
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