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Wine Environmental STudies in European RegioNS
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

High schools from 5 different countries, Croatia, France, Italy , Greece and Slovenia have teamed up to work on a theme centered around a common cultural European heritage that is embodied by wine. The countries have common ties to this topic and it is attractive and inspiring enough to spark the interest of many many pupils. It is also possible to study it relying on different subjects. It will enable us to fulfill our requirements step by step. The target group is pupils aged 15 to 18 from a middle class or disadvantaged background. They can also be pupils who can't afford to seize opportunities to travel across Europe. Secondly, this project targets the teachers involved to get them to realize the opportunities to better their teaching practices and language skills thanks to the EU. We would very much like to offer our pupils tools they will be able to use not only on a local level but on a broader European level. To do so, we have used the mobilities to enable them to experience European countries as locals do and not as tourists do. That's why for each meeting they will have work objectives to achieve and results to display. They will get in touch with companies to carry out the tasks. During their stay, they will immerse in the local culture by being housed by their peers and taking part in the activities organized by our hosts over a one week period. In the end, they will make up their mind based on their experience without any interference from the media. And if they are interested and eager to discover more, they will be able to stay in contact for years to come, when they pursue their studies or enter the job market. Erasmus + projects would benefit our pupils as they would become more open-minded and European-minded. They will enrich their European culture,interact with professionals and reflect on business venturesand the entrepreunarial spirit. Many different subjects can be studied through this project, from history, geography to literature, as well as mathematics, sciences, economics, marketing and sustainability. The innovative learning methods we want to implement should inspire pupils to get actively involved. The activities heavily rely on creativity and personal development thanks to the use of a wide range of ITC tools for instance which will help develop their skills. This file is the first step of the project. Next, the teachers will get to know one another and interact face-to-face in Slovenia to make what has been written come true and to further narrow down our objectives and assessment process. Then, on a repetitive pattern,the national groups will prepare their work in between mobilities and share what they have done during the mobilities. Each mobilty has a topic attached to it: France will host the 1st which will deal with the common cultural heritage of wine and its closely-knit network across Europe (creation of a historical timeline and/or a map of Europe). Then, the groups will study the environmental impact of winegrowing and biodiversity issues during the mobility in Italy. Digital presentations will sum up the research findings, the scientific experiments and calculations. Croatia will host the 3rd meeting which will focus on entrepreneurship and wine production and marketing. After studying the data on production, distribution and consumption, the pupils will create their own virtual company and will compile their findings in a mini guidebook. Finally, in Greece, the issue of wine and alcohol damage to our health will be tackled. An awareness campaign against alcoholism will be launched through paper material, digital material and videos. Information on the mobilities and the content of the activities will be passed on to the partners by the schools thanks to various media like a website, an academic forum on Twinspace, social networks, emails, a regular radio show, letters or press articles. These can be in-house communication or regional communication. This project must arouse the interest and make an impression that will enable the cooperation to be long-lasting between European schools. For the pupils and teachers involved, it must spark their curiosity to actually witness and experience what is going on in other European countries. Lastly, long-term Erasmus+ projects (combined with other ones in the schools) are a driving force to encourage the promotion of the EU offers in terms of education for the young and the adults and therefore to help educational and professional mobility. If the stakeholders get to work as European teammates, share and efficiently disseminate their joint work, the fruit of their cooperation, then it will be a great success.

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