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WindTunnel Tests on an Innovative regional A/C for Noise assessment (WITTINESS)
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

WITTINESS adresses the acoustic measurement campaign of previously (in a different CfP) designed WT-model, equipped with engine-demonstrators. In order to tackle this project a consortium including a company experienced in design, structural mechanics and aerodynamics, a SME, a manufacturer and a university with a strong focus on acoustic measurements propose an approach to use the previously designed model, introduce necessary design changes, perform the necessary tests and postprocess the results in terms of acoustic behaviour.The consortium is build up as follows:- IBK is a small company coordinating the project and performing design work in the project. IBK is also leading the consortium building the WT in the previous project ESICAPIA.- REVOIND is a small italian company specialised in manufacturing complex parts. Revoind´s main task in this project is to manufacture the model.- University of Rome, Prof. Camussi, bringt acoustic knowledge into the consortium, which is needed for preparing the acoustic tests and post-processing of the acoustic tests.The project consists of three technical work-packages plus one management work-package. The three technical WPs tackle planning and realisation of possible design-changes, dynamic characterization and experimental tests (including post-processing). A cruicial point for the quality of the results is the choice of the wind-tunnel. Possible wind-tunnels in europe have been reviewed by the consortium and the two possible solutions for this model (DNW and RUAG) have been asked for quotes. Although the previous model is build for an aerodynamical measurement campaign in one of these tunnels in general a test in either of them is feasible. There are pros and cons for each solution, finalising the choise of the wind-tunnel is therefore the first point to tackle in the project.
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